one :)

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"Do you Bailey Johnson take Luke Evans to be your lawful wedded husband?" says the priest to me.

I look down at our hands locked together and immediately gain a big smile on my lips. My eyes travel back up to Luke's big blue eyes.

"I do" I say with a small sincere smile.

"And do you Luke Evans take Bailey Johnson to be your lawful wedded wife?"

He squeezes my hands and has the biggest smile on his face. Aw my baby he is precious, I can't believe I am marrying him.

"I do," Luke says.

"Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Luke you may kiss your bride."

His hand leaves mine and goes to my cheek then leans in. Our lips attach, this is it...the seal of it all. Me and Luke are officially married. I hear the cheers of our friends and family.

"Ladies and gentlemen please make room for the newly weds, Mr. and Mrs. Luke Evans!" I hear my best friend and bridesmaid, Carter, shout.

I am married.


•at the reception•

"Ya know I always thought you'd end up back with Justin and you two would be married," my friend Alex says a little tipsy.

Well thanks Alex, now you ruined my happy day.

"Hm yeah no, remember he cheated on me," I snapped then walked off.

I walk into the family bathroom and just sat in there. Shoot now I'm remembering all of it! I know it may have been almost three years ago, but I dunno it just bothers me so much.  I was so in love with him and he just totally betrayed me, then acted liked he didnt do anything.

Yeah it may be looked weird at, me marrying at 21 almost 22, but Luke and I have dated for two years and we are definitely in love :))

I get up from the floor and smooth out my dress. I also look im the mirror and fix up my little makeup smudges. I remember that I am now married and smile then walk back out to the party.

Luke sees me and runs up to me and we embrace.

"Hey baby, Carter told me what Alex said, are you alright?" He asked worriedly.

"Yes Lukey I'm great duh we're married nothing could ruim it! Not even him," I say reassuring him.

"You're my beautiful bride, I love you," he says.

"And you're my handsome groom, I love you," I reply.

He leans in for a kiss and I happily kiss him with a huge smile. We stop and look at each other with huge smiles.

"Mrs. Evans care to join me for a dance?" Luke says very "sophisticated."

"Lead the way!"


The rest of the reception was beautiful and absolutely a bliss. We both gave very special speeches to each other, ate cake, and danced. Everyone was so loving and said how wonderful the ceremony was. After about two and a half hours the car outside with our luggage in the trunk, awaited us.

We ran out like the cliche movie thing and jumped into the car. Luke and I booked a 10 day trip to Paris! It was going to be absolutely amazing, I cannot wait :)


We finally made it to Paris after many hours, I don't even know. I spent most of the time sleeping and watching rupaul drag race season 12.

The city was absolutely amazing. We arrived there at night and it seemed like the sky was pink and purple from all the lights. I was in shock..

Firstly I am married to the sweetest guy ever! Secondly I am in the city of love with the love of my life.

Honestly it couldnt get any better :)

We got a cab and Luke directed them to our hotel. I sat in the backseat with him, my hand intertwined with his while I look out the window watching as I pass the many buildings and people.

We stop in front of this huge and I mean gigantic hotel. It must've cost us a fortune, but it was so worth it.

We get out and he grabs the literally one suitcase he packs then two of my four suitcases I brought. What can I say! I like clothes and makeup :)

Right when Luke and I make it into our suite we unpack then well the rest I don't wanna dicuss cause well it's too dirty for me to say ;)


•next day•

I feel kisses on my neck, not like those cute pecks, but like those heavy kisses that involve tongue and leaving hickeys.

What does this dummy think he is doing it's like 5 am?!

"What the hell are you doing? It's WAY too early for this kind of stuff," I groan.

He chuckles and says,
"Babe it's 11:30 in the morning."

"Oh well doesn't feel like it, get off off me big guy."

I push Luke off hearing him huff. He follows me in the bathroom. I quickly brush my teeth. Then I look up in the mirror to see him naked with a goofy grin and me with his big droopy tee. I turn around and look at him crazy.

"Don't get me wrong baby but usually after sex you put on some underwear especially if you are walking around, so why today did you decided to strut naked goofball?" I ask laughing.

"Well in my defense last time, you had morning sex woth me and so I assumed with us on our honeymoon you would. Plus I know you love seeing this big juicy dïck," he says confidently.

I put my hand to my forehead and act very dramatix and say,
"Oh I am so glad I have married such a humble man, who isn't obsessed with his manhood."

"Oh hush," he says while pulling me close.

I put my hands on his chest while we are laughing.
I look at him and admire all his perfections.

"I am so glad I married you Luke," I say.

He looks at me with the most love and admoration in his eyes and gives me one of his goofy cute smiles.

I stand on my toes and kiss him with all the love I had.

I love him so much.

a/n: I know you all must hate me omg! But i promise by maybe chapter three of four justin will be here :) I really hope you all enjoy Forgotton Love. And I hope you loved Twitter!! I love all of you guys, your comments make me so happy haha.
Well chapter two will be here soon! :)

-belle ♡

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