Black Tragedy

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Shark Heart lay on the soft green grass, "Shark Ra, I need to go back to Ring Gate, I want to win our old warren back" said Silver Chase,

"Aye, you and what army?" Asked Shark Heart,

"Yours" she replied.

Shark Heart sighed, "I don't think my army of ten rabbits can defeat an army of... Frifve knows!" Barked Shark Heart a little harsher.

"Remember what Ares told me" reminded Silver Shark,

"Will yes, but I know what he told me" replied Shark Heart.

Silver Chase fell to the ground dramatically, "Aw, please Shark" pleaded Silver Chase, putting her small front paws over Shark Heart's large front paws and stared into his almost emotionless eyes.

"I promised Aries!" She begged. Shark Heart smiled gently,

"I will see what I can do" replied Shark Heart,

"... But that does not mean I am saying yes or no! You hear!" He commented, Silver Chase, hugged Shark Heart and ran away to get ready...

Hazel strolled up to Shark Heart, "I hear that you are going to war with the Efrafens, is that true?" Asked Hazel. Shark Heart rolled his eyes,

"Yes, the rummers are true. Please, do not try to stop me, but you are welcome to come with me... it's not your fight, I know... I understand if you don't want to endanger the life's of your fellow rabbits" muttered Shark Heart, starring Hazel dead in the eyes.

Hazel looked at the ground for a few minutes then looked back up at Shark Heart's bright blue, round, eyes.

Hazel nodded in agreement, "yes, Woundwort has to pay" thought Hazel out loud.

Shark Heart grinned, "ok, we go now..." arranged Shark Heart slowly.

Hazel's eyes widened, "now?... We are hardly ready" protested Hazel,

"Now or never my friend" muttered Shark Heart quietly, Hazel went silent.

Finally, he spoke, "fine... We will assist" agreed Hazel, Shark Heart bowed his head a little.

Bigwig came out the warren and met Hazel just outside,

"You called?" Quizzed Bigwig, Hazel nodded,

"Yes, we are going to war with Woundwort" announced Hazel. Bigwig's mouth dropped open,

"What!... Hazel you have truly lost it now, have you gone crazy!... When are we going?" Barked Bigwig.

"Now" whispered Hazel shyly, Bigwig could not believe what he was hearing,

"No, I refuse! We have had hardly any time to even get ready!" snarled Bigwig. Hazel looked at Bigwig with an authoritative glimmer in his eyes,

"It's not up for debate, these rabbits need our help... They helped us" debated Hazel with a slight gruffness in his voice.

After ten minutes of arguing and try to convince Bigwig, Hazel got his wish.

(Berry Cove) everyone took their battle stations, behind some bushes. Rain bucketed down from the cloudy sky, soaking wet, Shark Heart turned to all the scared rabbits behind him,

"Now, my brothers and sisters, we fight for our home, our loved ones and for Aries!... For Berry Cove and River Gate... FOR ARIES!" Yelled Shark Heart,

"For Berry Cove, River Gate and Aries!" Repeated the rabbits.

Shark Heart smiled a little, "Ren, you take your five and cover the exits... We are unsure of hostages so remain vigilant. Bolt, you take your company and cover any emergency/secret escape tunnels. Look out for each other... Oak Heart, Silver Chase and I will cover the Watership Down rabbits" Muttered Shark Heart.

Bolt and Ren speed off in different directions, with their little army of five each following not too far behind. Shark Heart jumped out of the bushes,

"Raaah!" shrieked Shark Heart, followed by the Rabbits from Watership Down and Berry Cove.

Efrafen's were taken by surprise when they were attacked by the outsiders...

(10 minutes into the battle) Rain battered Shark Heart's fur as Bigwig stood together against Woundwort. Woundwort snarled and growled at his rivals. Shark Heart whispered to Bigwig,

"Watch out for his left front paw, it packs a nasty punch" Bigwig nodded, not taking his eyes off of the monster of a rabbit's burning, bitter, eyes.

Shark Heart and Bigwig charged at Woundwort, each one getting flung in opposite directions. Shark Heart caught Bigwig out the corner of his eye, he looked injured and the beast was heading straight for him. Shark Heart sprung to his paws and sprinted up to Bigwig and got between them, Woundwort raised up on his rear legs, towering over Shark Heart, lifted his huge, left front paw and brought it down on Shark Heart but just in time, he grabbed a long wooden stick that was sharpened to a point at one end, Shark Heart took the wooden spear in his mouth and held it up as Woundwort came down on him. Shark Heart took a few moments to pray to the black rabbit,

"Please, don't take my rabbits and my new friends, I am the general. The commander. These rabbits were working under my orders... Therefore, the captain must go down with his ship... take me instead..."

Everyone stopped when they heard a long wail vibrate through the air, they looked around,

"Look over there!" Yelled Hawkbit, pointing his fluffy, grey, paw over to where Shark Heart and Bigwig were fighting Woundwort.

Shark Heart woke in a rocky place, the Black Rabbit stood directly in front of him,

"Hello, I am not afraid, I have done my duty to my friends and now it's my time to go... So send me home" told Shark Heart with a kind smile.

The Black Rabbit seemed confused, "what makes you think your life is over?" Wondered the Black Rabbit.

Shark Heart chuckled, "the hero of the story never gets to see the ending, and that's ok..." Spoke Shark Heart in a good clear voice.

The Black Rabbit shook his head side to side, "no, you are still needed. Your story only ends when everything is set right... In your situation, it's not is it?" Replied the Black Rabbit, starting to circle Shark Heart slow at first, then faster and faster.

"What do you mean, of course, it is!" Snapped Shark Heart, watching the Black Rabbit run rings around him.

"No, you think your warren fell down by accident?... Well, you are sorely mistaken" laughed the Black Rabbit. Shark Heart stopped to think for a moment,

"What's going to happen?... Can I save my friends?... Please don't take them, take me instead" pleaded Shark Heart...

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