forty five

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My heart pounds out of my chest as I take a few steps back, realizing I just shattered a jar of preserves.

The boy stares at me, an eyebrow raised.

Jason Myers.

The boy that singlehandedly ruined my life.

"Rose?" He asks, as if he doesn't really believe it's me.

My throat is dry as I take another step back. "Y-yeah," I stammer.

A friendly smile breaks out on his face. "Wow, you look great," he says. "How have you been?"

"Fine," I manage to say.

"Good. How's Elizabeth?"

"Fine," I repeat.

He looks the same. Same dark eyes and dark hair, with a smile that could melt you. The only difference is that a small scruff of a beard dawns his cheeks and chin.

"I beard you moved to Oregon," he continues our conversation. "What's it like there?"

"Nice," I answer. I clear my throat and straighten my posture. "Very nice."

An employee rounds the corner of the isle, taking in the shattered glass and splattered jam. "Oh, Jesus," she mutters under her breath, shaking her head. "Damn teenagers," she says as she turns to retrieve cleaning supplies.

I flush and look down.

"I'd love to have coffee some time?" Jason asks.

I shake my head. "No, I'm leaving Sunday."

"Oh." He nods.

"And even if I wasn't, I wouldn't have coffee with you," I say, crossing my arms over my chest.

He raises an eyebrow. "Is that so?"

"You scarred me for the rest of my life and ruined my relationship with my sister," I hiss as the employee returns with a broom and dust pan.

As if on cue, Elizabeth walks into the isle, an annoyed expression on her face. She stops short when she sees Jason.

"Elizabeth," he says, turning to her. "What a pleasant surprise."

Her vision flicks from Jason, to me, and then back again.

She regains her composure and straightens up. "Jason," she says curtly. She eyes me.

"You look stunning," he says, looking her up and down.

She sniffs. "Thank you."

It's as if Jason has forgotten everything he's done to us; me more specifically. He's acting like we're all good friends again.

Flashbacks and memories begin to cloud my vision as Jason meets my gaze again, his eyes glinting in the light of the supermarket.

I begin to feel dizzy and I know if I don't get away from Jason soon I'll puke or pass out or both.

"Let's go," I say to Elizabeth.

She nods and stalks past Jason and the shattered jam, her heels clicking on the polished linoleum.

I follow quickly behind, fighting to keep the memories out of my mind.

We buy the groceries and load the car quickly. I keep looking over my shoulder to make sure Jason isn't behind us. I fight tears as I'm slammed with memories again and again.

Elizabeth is silent on the way home. I don't know what she's thinking, but I'm sure it involves multiple curses towards me.

"Why did you break the jam?" She asks me suddenly, not taking her eyes off the road.

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