sixty nine

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The ballroom is as beautiful as I dreamed it.

Large, crystal chandeliers hang from the ceiling, and the floor is a shiny black marble. Banquet tablets line the sides with arrangements of food on them ranging from crème puffs to roasted chicken. Circular tables are positioned throughout, with a few people sitting and talking at them. A classical jazz band plays mildly in front of a large open area, no doubt the dance floor. The place is quite busy, with women in large jewels and silky dresses and men in posh suits. They fill the room with chatter and laughter.

If I wasn't terrified of this party, I would definitely enjoy it.

"Nice, huh?"

I look up at Harry who has caught me marveling at the extravagancy of the place. I nod, looking back at the ballroom.

"They're all like this," he tells me. "It gets boring after a while."

"Snob," Gemma snorts from next to him. "This is incredible."

Harry shrugs at her comment.

I look up and sure enough, an upper level looks over the greater ballroom. Just like in my dream.

I swallow.

"Let's sit," Harry says, noticing my shift in mood and removing his hand from mine, pressing it to my lower back to guide me instead.

Gemma follows us as Harry gestures for me to sit at a table in the corner, out of the spotlight. I'm glad he chose this spot, it will help us stay hidden and slightly out of sight if we are being sought after.

"You two stay here, I'm going to try find Zayn and Ed," Harry says, and Gemma and I nod, accepting glasses of white wine from a waiter.

Harry turns and disappears into the crowd, leaving Gemma and I to ourselves.

"What do you make of all this?" I ask her, leaning back in my seat.

"It's a show, that's what it is," she replies, setting her glass down on the white tablecloth. "It's obviously covering up the fact that Alec is scheming."

I nod. "I agree."

"As I do."

I snap up to see Violet standing above me, in the same red dress from my dream. She looks incredible, her hair curled to perfection and her lips cherry red. She holds a glass of wine poised in her hand as she sits beside me, smiling lightly.

I nod to her. "Violet."

"Evening, Rose," she says. She looks past me at Gemma. "And...?"

"Gemma," Gemma introduces herself. "Harry's---"

"Sister," Violet finishes. "I've heard about you."

I shift uncomfortably and Gemma furrows her brow.

She looks between Violet and I before realization leaks into her green eyes. I'm grateful that Gemma is observant enough that I don't have to explain things.

"What do you want?" I ask Violet in the most friendly way I can.

Violet clucks her tongue. "Still don't trust me, eh?"

"You haven't given me a reason to."

"I haven't given you a reason not to."

I swallow the rest of my wine.

Violet watches me carefully as I set the now empty glass on the table.

"Fine," she says. "What if I told you I know who the insider is."

Hidden. (by seasidestyles-original copy)Where stories live. Discover now