Chapter 7: Love Love Paradise?!?!?!?!

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Reader P.O.V
I was watching T.V and I saw Kawaii~Chan come through my door. "F/N~Senpai!! Follow kawaii~chan!!" She grabbed me and dragged me to a car. After a long ride, I got tired and went to sleep.

{With the power of wattpad, we skip hours of le reader sleeping}

Reader P.O.V

I woke up to kawaii~chan dragging me to a cruise ship. "Hey KC, maybe a warning to wake up?" She just ignored me and went into the boat with everyone else. They gave us keys to our rooms and everyone splited up. Aaron went with Aphmau, Katelyn  with Lucinda, Dante with Garroth, and Me with Kawaii~Chan. We went to our rooms and just layed on the bed. Kawaii~Chan put some anime on and I kinda watched cause I was bored. After a few hours, I was getting sleepy and was about to go to sleep. Me and KC had to share a bed and so she started to cuddle with me. I smiled and went to sleep.

{Where are they?!?!?!}

Reader P.O.V
Suddenly I feel myself get ploped on a bed. I wake up to see Aaron next to me. "Oh, sup Aaron." He looked semi-excited. "Hey." I looked around and was really confused about where I was. "Aaron, where in the world am I?" "You are in love love paradise." What?!?! The hardest place to go Im in!?!?! "Dont ask how we got here..." Aaron said serious. "Ight." I got up from the bed and went to go walk around. I went to the shoppe, bought some beach clothes, and went back to the house and put them on. I went to go walk around again and I saw Kawaii~chan running to me. She jumped on me, hugging me. I had no choice  but to hug and spin for I won't fall. I put her down and she was giggling, how cute. "Y/N~Senpai!!! Good morning!" In that moment I found out, I need to pop the question. "Heh, thanks KC. I need to ask you something." She looked confused "What is it Y/N~Senpai?" She said curious. "Do you probably want to be my girlfriend?" She blushed and our lips interlocked for a good 10 seconds. "Of course Kawaii~Chan does!" We went to the beach and did the most cliché thing yet, we watched the sunset. Yeah, just for her.

What up ppl! Its been a while, so I made this chapter as special as I could. Hope you enjoyed!

(This was dedicated to a special someone)

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