Jeff vs BEN

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That night I was all moved in. I fell asleep in BENs arms. When I woke up the next morning I was. I heard to voices arguing. Being curious I eavesdropped. I herd Jeff and BEN yelling at eachother.

"I kidnapped her! She wants me! Can't you just leave her alone with me! God your acting like I killed her family!"Jeff screamed. I could tell that they were talking about me.

"That's because you did! Jeff you killed her family and asulted her! Come on she hates you! Leave her alone! Move on!" BEN shouted.

"Oh well let's let her pick!" I heard footsteps and I quickly ducked under the covers and pretended to be asleep. I felt hands pick me up. Not gently either. Next thing I Knew I was thrown to the floor. I looked up and saw Jeff with his killer eyes. No, no, no. I chanted over and over in my head. I crawled into a corner.

"Jeff stop it now!" BEN shouted and tried pulling Jeff away from me. Jeff moved forward and threw BEN off. Crap. Jeff bent down and hugged me. I hugged back scared of him.

"Good. Now sweet heart who would you like to stay with? Me or the idiot who has murdered as a game before. "He sweet smiled. All fake.

"Your lying to me." I said calmly. Or at least tried to. My voice craked.

"Pick one. Me or the one I will kill you for choosing." He didn't ask. He brought up his knife to my neck.

"You. You Jeff. Just please don't hurt me." I felt a tear roll down my face. He smirked put the knife away.

"Now why would I hurt you my love?" It made me sick but I just followed him to his room. He grabbed my stuff and took it over. BEN was left standing there sadly. "Kiss me" Jeff randomly said. I pecked his lips. Well I tried to. He wanted to kiss for longer I was held there kissing him. When he pulled away his eyes were normal. He watched as tears slid down my cheeks. He wiped them away.

"Please leave me alone." I whispered looking down. He pulled me close in a hug. I pushed back. I went to the door and grabbing the handle I walked out. As soon as I was out of sight I sprinted to the workout room. I grabbed a bottle of water out of the kitchen and ran the rest of the way to the gym. I punched the punching bag as hard as I could over and over. Eventually some one held me in a hug as I broke down. I turned around and saw my brother. I smiled and cried into his shirt. Tyler was here. But why? I didn't really care. I would slam someone into next week face first if they tried to harm my bro. We hugged for a long, long time.

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