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Luke woke up with his head in serious pain, it was one of those days. He tried to stay quiet because he didn't want Calum to see him like this. He let out a loud whimper until it all came out, Luke let out a loud scream causing Calum to shoot out of Luke's room and into his nursery. Luke physically couldn't stop screaming and crying, it just hurt too much.

"Lukey what's wrong baby?" Calum asks picking Luke up, looking all over him for anything that could be hurting him. Luke just sobbed loudly and put both hands on his head, Calum instantly knew what was wrong. "Baby you gotta tell me what to do to help your head." Calum whispers looking right in Luke's eyes. "M-Med-Medicine.." Luke sobs screaming again at the end of his sentence.

Calum sprinted downstairs and opened up every cabinet until he found the medicine neatly lined up. "Which one Luke you gotta help me."  Calum pleads because Luke's screams were only getting louder. "T-THAT O-O-ONE!" Luke screams pointing to some kind of reed liquid. "Y-YOU HAVE TO-AH-PUT IT-I-IN A S-SIPPY CU-P W-IT-H JUI-CE." Luke whimpers. "Okay okay."

Calum then filled up a sippy cup with some kind of fruit punch then added as much of the medicine as Luke told him to then passed it to Luke who accepted it right away. Calum smiled when Luke let out a small sigh of relief. "Better?" Calum whispers in case his head was still sensitive. "Better." Luke smiles.


An hour later Luke was laying on the couch in nothing but a shirt and nappie simply because it was too hot. He was laying across Calum's lap while Calum played with his soft blonde hair.


"Well what should we do?" Calum asks with a slight smile. "Play?" Luke mumbles looking up. "Play what?" Calum whispers placing a small kiss on Luke's head. "Uuuuuuh...hide an go seek?!" Luke asks excitedly. "Sure, I count?" Calum asks already knowing the answer.

Luke nods and blots off of his lap making Calum close his eyes. "One....two...three...four..." Calum starts to count up. He reached eleven before he heard Luke shout, "READY DADDY!"

Calum got off the couch with a groan and started walking around the house. He did this for about ten more minutes until he heard a small sneeze form the closet with the cleaning supplies. "Something tells me....someone is in the closet!" Calum then opened the door making Luke let out a loud squeal as he took of down the hall away from Calum. "Come back here you!" Calum laughs chasing after the blonde. Eventually Luke stopped running allowing Calum to scoop him up with a smile. The only reason Luke stopped though was because he had to pee, like bad. He knew it was safe to go he just didn't want Calum to see his 'special parts' just yet. "Luke baby are you okay?" Calum asks looking into Luke's eyes.

"Yeah I'm good." Luke smiles hugging Calum tightly. Calum on the other hand knew something was wrong with Luke, he tried thinking of every single possible thing Luke could feel weird about. Then it hit him that Luke hadn't been using his nappie and probably had to go real bad.

"Hey Luke?" Calum whispers while the two snuggle up on the couch. "Yeah?" Luke asks still in love with the TV screen in front of him. "Do you have to go potty?" Calum asks making Luke kinda tense up. "Nooo..." Luke lies gently biting on his finger nail. "You can go yanno? I won't judge you. And I bet it's hurting you huh?" Calum asks gently rubbing right above Luke's bladder. "Daddy no!" Luke whines trying to push away from Calums hand. "Just go little guy, it's okay. Daddy's got you." Calum says now pushing on his bladder. Luke tried to hold it but he couldn't, he started letting go. "Good boy Luke." Calum smiles placing a kiss on Luke's head.

"Thanks Daddy."

"No problem buddy."

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