Chapter Twenty-Five

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 We ate the pears right away. The sweet fruit was such a treat for us that we couldn't wait. I told Mabel about the kindness of the lady in the grocery store, but she wasn't surprised. She explained to me that when you don't have money, you look to the people in the community for support. That was how my life would be from there on out. The thought of a life filled with more people like that, made the grueling task of walking more bearable. It was the following night before we were halfway through Sector 6.

We were exhausted and Mabel's ankle had started swelling again, so we decided to call it a day right at sunset. We found a small clearing off of the main road, and did our best to make a camp. After we shared a dented can of green beans, Mabel tried to make a fire. After an hour of furiously rubbing two sticks awkwardly together, she gave up.

She limped off angrily into the woods to find a "bathroom" spot before it got too dark. I took advantage of the small window of alone time and fished one of Rowan's letters out of my bag. I opened it slowly, after reading the familiar "To Liv." Across the front. I felt a new sense of sadness at reading the words he had written to me, but had never been able to say. I could tell the letter was from when he was a child. There was no date but the handwriting was bigger and much sloppier.


I decided today that I would write you a letter every time I missed you. I don't know if I can find enough paper, though. I had to give you up when your aunt found out we were alive. I wanted to keep you, but she promised that we would be together again. My mom and dad are gone. So are yours. It makes me sad to think about them, but when I think about you I'm very happy. I'm glad that you are alive. I don't know how long it will be until I see you again, but I promise I will get strong and protect you from everything. My mom and dad fought a lot, but yours didn't. They really loved each other. One day when we are grown up, I will love you that way. I will keep you safe forever. Please remember me, Livvy. I know you are still little, but when I see you again, I will hug you as tight as I can! I love you and miss you every day.


The letter made me smile. It was funny to picture a little Rowan, studiously writing me a letter. I wanted to hug that little boy who just truly wanted to love and protect me forever. My heart sank as I reminded myself that I would never hug him again. I quickly reached into my bag for my notebook and pencil and began a return letter.

Dear Rowan,

You are dead. Admitting those words has taken me so long. I spent so long pretending it wasn't true, that it stings to say it out loud. I have decided to write you a letter every time I miss you. However, I don't think there is enough paper in the world. I will never be able to tell you again in person what you mean to me, so I'll tell you here. Thank you for saving me from the fire that killed our families. It would have been so easy for you to just assume I was dead, but you didn't. You will always be my hero. Thank you for always taking care of me. I know it was sort of your job, but you did it with love. Ever since you left, I have had to learn how to take care of myself. It sucks. Thank you for loving me the way my father loved my mother. I have only heard from a few people how much they loved each other, but it sounds like it was a fierce love. If it's any consolation, my love for you was, and still is, just as fierce.

Thank you for trying to find a way for us to be together. I have only spent a short amount of time as a poor person, but it has opened my eyes to a new kind of happiness. I know that we would have been happy together, and even more so because we wouldn't have had money. All I ever wanted was to live and die with you. You beat me to the punch on the last one, but I'm glad I lived as much as I could by your side. I have missed you every second of every day since you have been gone. I know that my heart will never be whole again, but I'm trying to be strong for you. We are only days away from reaching Sector X. Once we are there, Mabel and I will start a new life. I don't know what to expect. I don't know if we will even make it that far. I don't know if I will ever truly be happy again. But I do know one thing. I know that I love you. I also know that you loved me. And that's all I ever needed to know.

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