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Evan's POV-

She left me. She got mad at me and left.
Another part of my thoughts switches on.
Yes, she left. But you hurt her and told her to leave.
I stand against the bathroom counter, staring at myself in the mirror.
Might as well say that I was dragged out of hell. There are deep purple bags under my lower lashes. My skin lost its glow, now it's just a dull color with no life. The whites in my eyes are still slightly red, not as bad as before, but still noticeable.

I leave the bathroom, storming out to the entry way, looking at all the pictures.
These were taken before my life went south.
The people in the pictures are of mostly Avery and I with goofy smiles that are plastered on our faces.
What is wrong with you? What have you done?

Without even thinking, I swing a fist, Hitting one of the pictures. The glass falls out, sprinkling everywhere as other pictures on the wall fall off their hangers.
You're an idiot.
How could you say those things to her?
You told her to leave and never come back.


  I hiss in pain and hold my fist,"Fffff..."
There's a metal beam behind that part of the wall that I forgot about.
  The skin is starting to bruise and swell already, the bone most likely broken.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

My phone goes off in the living room and I race towards it. With my good hand, I sweep it up and answer it.

"Hello?" I bite my lip and pray it's Avery.

"Evan Spade?" A male voice says. It's hard to hear him with some sort of commotion in the background.

"Y-yes, may I ask who is calling?"

"My name is Jaymes Smith. I'm part of  the paramedics team for Princeton Liberty Hospital."

My blood freezes.

"You are Avery Watson's emergency contact list. She's been in an accident."

The air I was about to inhale stops. Everything stops.


I drop the phone.


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