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[Not edited]
[Naruto's Point of View]

⚠W A R N I N G ⚠

This story contains lots of suicidal thoughts, questions, and other triggering themes that will be mentioned. If any of these things bother you, I insist you read something else. Thank you, and enjoy



Something invisible, untouchable, but absolutely necessary for human life. Darkness - the enemy of light, could be described with similar words. Is it not ironic? Enemies, yet exactly alike. Because they are both so necessary, we are born as creatures that need to blink. Eyes closed, we see the darkness, and find within it the comfort needed to rest. Eyes open, we see the light, and within it the comfort to live.

Yet we as humans despair darkness.

We badmouth it, we insult it, we claim to fear the beasts that live within it, we pity it. Because of our foul attitude, we are forced to live in fear of something we need equally as much as light. We cannot rest without it, and without rest - we grow mad.

This is why, darkness, is peace.

"-aruto! Answer the question on the board! And stand up!" My head shot up, eyes wide open. Once feasting my orbs upon the three foot long algebraic equation, all academic knowledge shut down, no answer at all. I sat like a fish out of water, mouth wide open and eyes almost as big as my mouth, waiting for my teacher to realize I was pretty much a lost cause.

Chuckles and grunts of amusement were heard around the classroom, my teachers eyes rolling in understanding, "I see Uzumaki, come after school, you're meeting your new tutor. And don't even think you can ditch out on me - I've already alerted Iruka." With those as his final words, the class bell rang, alerting us of our lunch period next.

I silently sulked as I packed my backpack, I knew I had pushed it with that final act of immaturity, but the thought of meeting my fifth tutor of the year was devastating. I'm already failing three of my classes, three out of my four core classes needed to graduate, sitting down and talking about stuff I'll never understand for an hour is wasteful and stressful. Half of my tutors pity me!

As I silently sulked on my way towards the cafeteria, I saw my locker once again covered in paint and glue. I still remember the weeks I spent cleaning, no scrapping, off some gum and glitter that had been dumped on my locker. The principal, a one eyed freak, warned me to clean it before I was expelled. I had told him it wasn't me who covered my own locker in gum and glitter, but he was far more interested in his porn book by that point.

Sighing in defeat, I decided to spend my hour lunch cleaning off the stupid metallic piece of junk. It wasn't even worthy of being called a proper locker, it stopped actually "locking" the moment I accidentally broke off the handle while scrapping off gum. Karma was certainly out to get me that day, not only had my locker been vandalised and broken, but someone had stolen my house key from inside it.

Standing outside my house for three hours waiting for my dad to come home wasn't the most pleasant thing I've experienced, I'll tell you that much. He called me an idiot for letting someone steal my key, as if I could control their teenage hormones, and refused to make me another one.

Now I'm stuck trying to find the culprit.

Yeah, no joke, he told me to figure out who took it, something about "words being stronger than actions" or whatever. Honestly, I just think Iruka's on his man period. If he thinks some bullies are just gonna hand over my key, he's got another thing coming; that is, if they still have my key. Bullies usually throw anything they've stolen away, it's unnecessary evidence.

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