Somewhere In Between

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Why fear the dark?

The darkness, the one constant in my life. Why fear it? It comforts me, and never leaves my side. It allows me a sanctuary, and gives me peace of mind. It doesn't hurt my eyes. It doesn't wish to outshine me, simply to become my shadow. Darkness, my friend, deserves equal recognition, for it's job is much heavier than that of light.

It is the underdog, forever the enemy of mankind. All it wants is to be touched, and accepted. Cursed with a fearful exterior, and always misunderstood - that is the fate of darkness, my friend.

Light will forever prevail, leaving darkness in the dust.

"..aruto! Naruto, wake up buddy, it's just a nightmare!" Exclaimed who I supposed was the nurse. My head jumped off the uncomfortable pillow, eyes wide open. I could feel my heart racing, beating twice the normal speed. I reached out to touch my forehead, and felt sleek sweat cover my fingers. A nightmare. That's all it was. It didn't feel like a nightmare, I didn't feel scared at all.

"That's right, brat, take long and deep breaths." The nurse, Tsunade, calmly instructed as she placed a pale hand on my forehead. She wiped the sweat on her white coat, and wrote something down on her clipboard. "Seems like your fever finally came down."

Fever? Was I sick? Well that's a stupid question to ask. I noticed I was in a hospital gown, and squinted my eyes skeptically. What the hell? Where's my clothes?

"Ah yeah! You were sweating like a pig when that kid and I found you unconscious on the hallway ground. We had to, well technically I had to, remove your clothes and put you in something lighter." She smiled awkwardly, then handed me my neatly folded clothes. "That was the kid's doing, by the way, he was pretty worried."

Now that was weird. Sasuke was worried about me? Yeah fucking right. He'd first be worried about a fucking brick wall than be. He must've felt bad for finally almost beating me half to death, and felt guilty. I guess he is human after all. I had my theories of him being an alien...but I guess I'm wrong.

"So, what happened to me anyway? I was totally throwing up a life's worth of food, dude." I anxiously questioned Tsunade. Whatever happened was fucking awful, and I want to know what caused it, to avoid it happening again at all cost.

"Actually, your father's here, and I've already explained everything to him. You guys have to talk." The pigtailed blond lamented. She walked out the office, heels pounding the ground, and shut the door. Not too long after, my dad walked in. He looked so distressed, I just prayed I didn't have diarrhea.

My dad took a seat beside my bed, gently taking my hand and stroking it. He didn't want to look me in the eyes, and that made me nervous. I wanted to start the conversation, but found it inappropriate, so I just waited until he found the courage to start it himself. We sat in still silence for a good five minutes. It wasn't awkward silence, it was sort of comforting. I missed the sound of absolute nothing.

I spent the five silent minutes admiring the office we were in. I don't go to the nurse's office often since my immune system is rock hard, so I found the room kind of cool. The walls were pale blue, and had framed certificates and pictures on it. The certificates came from well known universities, and the pictures were of Tsunade and a small boy with brown hair. Her son? Brother? Who knew. A desk stood below the hung frames, dark brown. Organized papers were clipped together, and an empty glass bottle of alcohol stood gracelessly.

What a drunk, I chuckled softly.

I turned to the right, and saw a large cabinet, probably full of medical equipment and whatnot. The cabinet was a lighter brown, and had a lock on it. The lock reminded me of how I lost my key, and a frown formed on my face. When was I gonna find that filthy thief? I couldn't do it if I was stuck in this damn clinic, so could my dad just tell me already.

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