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           RING! RING! RI- 

I threw my arm out my alarm clock crashed into the wall. The ringing stopped sighing in relief I then slowly sat up,and stretched my back making a satisfying crack. I swung my legs over the side of my bed, and stood up heading toward my bathroom (which is in my room). With the water on hot I jumped into the shower, and sighed as the water relaxed my muscles. After washing my hair with my strawberry shampoo and conditioner, I wrapped myself in a towel and left my hair to air dry. Stepping out of the bathroom I walked over to my closet.

 Five minutes later I was dressed in a white tank top ,a black camisole ,blue skinny jeans ,and black toms. After putting on some black eyeliner and mascara I grabbed my backpack and guitar. Then ran downstairs to the kitchen where my stepmom was cooking bacon. To tell you the truth I honestly hate her. Why you ask? Ten years ago my mother was murdered by some demons, a few months after that my dad met Rachel (stepmom). After about a month my dad came to me, and said he wanted to marry her. In my head I was thinking 'no this can't be happening', but all I did was say 'yes'. I've hated her since hearing somebody call my name. I snapped out of my thoughts to see my three little sisters clinging onto my legs. I laughed at them then squatted down and hugged them tightly to my chest. "We can't breathe Ro," Violet said. She is the second oldest but she's only 10, I giggled then set them down and say, "Sorry." I ruffle her hair then squatted down to Moon (6 years old) she beamed up at me then asked, "Are you gonna drive us to school today?" I nodded she squealed then ran over to the table, Cherry (3 years old) followed after her. Rachel put their plates on the table, for little kids they sure can eat a lot. Rachel looked at me silently asking if I wanted anything, shaking my head I turned around but not before I saw the frown on her face. My dad and her know that I don't like her. 

I walked over to the corner of the kitchen, and picked up my guitar then started playing a soft melody. I say down because my legs were starting to hurt (not really I'm just lazy). When I finished I closed my eyes, and let my head fall with a 'thud' against the wall. Letting myself get lost in my thoughts, I thought about my mom she was half angel and half mermaid. Don't think just because she was a mermaid and I am doesn't mean when we touch water we automatically shift. Actually we can change by ourselves, it's like picturing yourself having a big, beautiful tail. Tears started to flow down my cheeks as I pictured my my mother in her mermaid form. She had a blue tail while her flipper was orange, and her hair was aqua blue with dark orange highlights through it. More tears suddenly fell down my cheeks. I miss her so much. 

"Why are you cryin Ro?," Cherry asked.

 I opened my eyes to see my dad had come downstairs, my eyes were still blurry I looked down. Cherry had her little chubby arms around my neck, and her head was buried in the crook of my neck. I wrapped my arms around her then said, "Nothing sweetie now go finish your breakfast." I wiped my tears away then stood up grabbing my guitar and backpack. Then said, "Girls I'm riding my motorcycle." Violet looked up from her plate and said, "But Rose you just said you were gonna drive us to school." "How about when we come home I'll take y'all out to eat," I reply. They nodded I smiled then turned around, grabbed my black leather jacket from the coat rack, and headed out the door. Patting my back pocket as I walked out to my motorcycle, it's black and blue with 'Rose' in white cursive letters. Cranking the engine it roared to life, I put my backpack in the compartment. After I put my jacket on and slung my backpack on my back, I slid onto the seat. I put my helmet on and slid the visor down, then kicked the kickstand up and floored it. Laughing I sped out of my driveway, trees and houses flew by me in a blur. Rounding the corner(it isn't that far I live five blocks away from the high school) someone blew their horn, I looked up seeing a car headed towards me. I stomped on my brakes and did a 360, the car screeched to a stop. I was breathing hard hearing footsteps I turned to see Brandon (one of my four best friends that moved with me to this new town). I take off my helmet and yell, "Are you trying to KILL me!" He chuckles then says," You were on the wrong side of the road." Glaring at him I mutter, "Whatever we need to head to school you know how impatient they are." "Alright," he replies. I put my helmet back on and speed down the street, knowing he was following me. Pulling into the school parking lot everyone was staring at me, I mentally groaned as I cut the engine then pulled off my helmet. Before I continue I want to describe myself to you. I'm mixed, 17 years old, birthday December 3rd, I'm a hybrid, I have long white hair with silver streaks in them that go all the way down to my waist, but what's weird is 3 inches from my waist and above my hair curls into perfect medium curls, 5'5, have great but short legs, big boobs, medium sized butt, caramel colored skin, and my eyes are blue (like Derek's off of Teen Wolf) but instead of my inner and outer pupil being black they are this white-silver color. Everyone gasps I just ignore them then reach in my compartment, and pull out my black hat with my backpack. I put on my hat so it covered my eyes then flipped my side bangs to the right side of my face,where they ended a little bit past my ear. Brandon came over to me and whispered in my ear, "Demons have been spotted in town." Hissing between my fangs I asked, "How many?" "23," he replies softly. Nodding I say," I'll take care if them after I take my sisters out to eat." 

He opened his mouth to say something but someone yelled, "Rose!" I looked up to see Kat running towards me, beside me Brandon was doubled over laughing. I pleaded him with my eyes he just shakes his head, I sigh then suddenly I was enveloped in a hug. "Can't breathe," I gasped. She smiles sheepishly then mumbles, "My bad." I just smile at her she instantly perks up, and suddenly started squealing. Turning around I saw Matt and Jared, a grin broke across my face. Before I knew what I was doing I was running towards Matt and Jared. I jumped on Matt then wrapped my arms and legs around him, he chuckled then squeezed me tightly to his chest. He pulled away then set me down and asked, "Missed me honey?" See Matt is gay and he's the oldest out of all of us it goes: Matt, Brandon, Jared, Kat, and me. I'm the youngest so I'm still 17 while they are all 18. Anyways I squealed and yelled "Yes!" Causing Matt and Jared to chuckle they went on either side of me and grabbed both of my hands. Matt looked down at me and says, "Let's go get our schedules." By then Kat and Brandon joined us. We walked into the school, immediately people looked at us and started whispering. I buried my face into Matt's side he shifted so my head was under his armpit and his arm around my waist. Walking towards the office to get our schedules. 

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