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Rose POV

I heard someone whispering my name,groaning I slowly opened my eyes. I blinked slowly and came face to face with Matt.

He smiled and said,"You're awake."

I sat up slowly and asked,"How long have I been out?"

He pursed his lips then said,"About 2 hours."

I nodded then looked around everything was white,so I'm guessing this is the infirmary. Suddenly I remembered what happened that man threw me against the wall,and I fell unconscious. Looking up at Matt I raised my eyebrow at him,he looked confused for a moment but understood my silent question.

"Oh the oracles are in the living room waiting for you to wake up your mom,Cherry,Moon,Violet,Maddie,and Tessa are in there with them," he said really fast.

I swung my legs off of the side of the bed and stood up. A wave of dizziness hit me hard, I swayed a little bit. Matt put my arm around his shoulders and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"I've got you Rose," he said quietly.

"Thanks Matt," I said.

I started walking forward taking my time,five minutes later we reached the living room.I heard voices talking as we walked into the living room,all heads snapped our way. A woman with rainbow colored hair,rainbow eyes,and was 5'9 came and stood in front of me.

My eyebrows scrunched together then I asked,"Mrs.Rain is that you?"

She chuckled and said,"Yes dear I haven't seen you in a while at our house."

Another woman came up and stood beside Rain(Matt and Fire's mom). She had raven black hair,icy blue eyes,and was 6'1. Somehow I felt like I had seen her before when I was little,it was like I had actually met her before. I gasped then asked,"Grandma is that really you?"

Tears formed in her eyes and she said,"Yes Ro my you've grown up so fast I haven't seen you in 10 years."

I pulled put of Matt's embrace and walked so I was standing in front of her. She opened her arms sobbing I threw myself in her arms,she whispered comforting words in my ears. Pulling away I wiped my tears away in time to see another woman come stand beside my grandma. This woman had dark blue hair,green eyes,and was 6'0. Smiling she held out her hand and said,"Hi I'm Shimmer."

"It's nice to meet you,"I said shaking her hand.

Someone cleared their throat looking up I saw a woman with blood red hair,grey eyes,and she was 5'8. I instantly recognized her,this woman was my godmother that I haven't seen in 12 years. "My name is-"she started to say but I cut her off by pulling her into a hug.

"I remember you you're my godmother I used to call you Red Velvet,"I say sniffling.

She wrapped her arms around me and said,"Your grandma and I have missed you so much."

I felt something wet drip onto my head,she was crying my godmother Red was crying. I pulled away and said,"I missed y'all so much too."

She pulled me in for another hug then said,"As you know we have something important to discuss."

I nodded and said,"Yes we do."

Red pulled me over to the couch,I sat in between her and Selene(my grandma). Sighing my grandma then said,"Go ahead and ask your questions."

Nodding I asked,"What vision did my mom have?"

My grandma cleared her throat then said,"Well 2 weeks ago before your mom told you she was still alive she was living in the kingdom you see after your mom supposedly 'died' your dad left and took you with him therefore leaving the kingdom free for anyone to take over.Anyways she came to us and told us about how that during the battle Ashton was worrying about you and the baby while fighting Karr well while Ashton was distracted Karr drove his sword into Ashton's heart and killed him. When you felt your heart being ripped apart you knew that Ashton was killed,seeking vengeance you walked out onto the battle field and said'You will die' then your wings came out and you literally destroyed the whole pack including yourself and the baby. You burned yourself out,"she said looking into my eyes.

"How are my mom and dad the queen and king of the supernatural races(werewolves,vampire,mermaid,
and angels)?" I ask swallowing the lump in my throat.

"Well your dad's parents stepped down from the throne and gave it to your dad when he was eighteen when your dad turned nineteen your dad meet your mom at a small cafe.The next day she was the queen of the kingdom and weeks later she was pregnant with you. Soon your dad's grandparents were ambushed and killed,as you know your mom is have mermaid and angel and your dad is half werewolf and vampire. They really didn't expect you to live because it was impossible for an angel and vampire to have a baby because you see evil and good. So when you came out you were different you had white curly hair and these weird but unique eyes. Your mother and father knew they had to protect you," Red said quickly.

"What happens if I decide to leave?"I ask my grandma looking in her eye sternly.

"Well Ashton thinks your kidnapped along with your mom,Tessa,Candy,Moon,Violet,and Cherry and then him along with their mates declare war on Karr even though you already did and during that time you have to train Moon,Violet,and Cherry on how to use their powers. After your baby is born he/she will have an amazing growth spurt in two months she/he will be three years old and that's when you will train her/him on to use it's power. During that time you will have to get people from each race to fight with you during the war. You see Rose you are The Chosen One that's why you born with black wings instead of white ones. You have the power to bring peace into this world along with destruction. You have to be both bad and good. Now your baby will be The Destined One he/she will be put to a task when older to go search for he/she's soul mate. If she/he can't find it's soulmate in time,something bad will happen.He/She will have to find the four elements fire,wind,earth,and air to heal him/her so he/she can look for it's mate longer. Once he/she finds the one then they will become the king and queen and vise versa. Next a war will be declared against them and he/she along with the four elements will have to bring peace to the world or the world will be brought under the control of demons,"my grandma said her angel power started glowing at the last part.

Looking into everyone's eyes I said,"We will leave after my birthday which is tomorrow after everyone is asleep."

"We're in,"said all the girls.

Sighing I smiled but my heart was filled was filled with so much sorrow and pain. I would have to leave my beloved mate tomorrow night.

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