mix up

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Chapter 2

5 days pass by and I haven't talked to my mother or grandmother at all and it hurts cause I love them so much but at the same time my mom's the reason I'm here maybe I'm going crazy or maybe I just wanted my mom to pick me up and say I'm sorry but that wasn't going to happen and I just had to suck it up and deal with it

I wake up the next morning in my undies and I can hear the staff knocking on my door so I answered yes they said winter hi I'm Ms Darby I'm one of the staff for the cottage if you need anything just ask. I will MS Darby . OK your next for the shower OK so as I get ready to carry my stuff to the shower

Here' come Sam saying let me carry that for you and I thought at first how sweet but then right before I gave them to him I thought I'm a strong guy I can do it by my self. So I took them back and said I can do it myself as soon I walked by I can see him starring at me so I ran to the bathroom. As I was in the shower I thought about all the things I did wrong and all the things I did right .when I got out of the shower I told my self this day couldn't possibly get any worse .

Winter can I talk to you for a minute . Ok I said . Yes misses pat well because of your age we have to move you to the A side but I don't wanna go to the A
Side well I'm sorry but We have a new boy coming and you never know but you may like him .OK miss pat when should I start moving my stuff . Now OK and because your taking this like a mature kid what do you want from the Chinese place . I want chicken and broccoli.

OK this was gonna be easy to pack my room because I just got here but I'm scared to move to that side because there scary but here I go. hi winter  this is your room OK. If you need anything ask me I'm Mr Thomson OK I was good until I realized I forgot my markers so I gotta go back to the b side so as I walked to the other side I found my markers and Mr Jackson ask me so do you know  Jordan . Jordan who the new guy . Yes. no I don't know him.

Well when he comes you should get too know him why . Cause your sweet and he's a sweet those trades go together . OK
But he's a player what you mean a player Sam shut up. No Sam how's he's a player well he flirts with other people well that's not my cup of tea bye . Why did you do that Sam because I wanna smash winter well I bet you money there gonna flirt and I bet you money they won't OK the cabin party is tomorrow if they touch each other than I win ok you got your self a deal hey guys a car just pulled up it's Jordan let's go say hi let not .

Hey bro what's going on nothing I had a bad run in with the cops and I'm not too happy about it so is there any one I should be excited to see like 's pat yeah and winter . Who's winter he's a nice kid you should go meet him he's on the A side oh no then he must be crazy no. No he's over there cause of his age . OK OK So let MS Darby take your backs and I show you winter OK .

So here's The A side Jordan hey . Hey Chris , Adam ,Bryan,and Carlos . So what are you doing here got in to in with the cops but forget them I'm here too see winter  Ok I'll go get him. Winter Jordan's here tell him I don't want to see him well please winter  just say hi. Fine . I'm gonna prove to everyone that I'm not easy and that I can be happy without a man.

Winter this is Jordan hi . Hello nice to meet you I gotta go . Wait umm so your really cute . Thank you . Thank you it was nice meeting you . You too so Jordan what you think big booty nice face perfect for me . I'm definitely gonna get to know him at the cottage party this is gonna be fun

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