Chapter 9

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I sit on the edge of my bed, staring into, what seems to be, my never-ending closet. I'm debating what I should wear to this interview.

I could not try, show up in track pants and a sweatshirt, be rude and off putting, but my dad would kill me, and not looking my best makes me cringe.

I could dress nicely and do my best, but how do I fit another job in my schedule full of dance, dance, homework and more dance? It's a busier schedule than you would think.

I will myself off the bed and into the black hole of clothes. I close my eyes and turn around three times. This method almost never fails me.

Fate decides that I will give this a 75% effort. I pick out black jeans and a yellow lacy short-sleeved shirt. The shirt shows a bit of my stomach so I decide it's not too professional looking, and therefore acceptable.

I'm running a little late, and I also don't care, so I decide to put my hair in a high ponytail. It's the second day after I've straightened it, so it's not necessarily curly, but it's messy. I turn off the light in my room and head downstairs. I grab a small black change purse and tell mom I'm going.

"Wait! Wait! Let me see you." She says. I sigh and turn away front the door, grimacing because I know my mother won't approve. I spin on my heel in some black flats that are so old the leather is shrivelling. I see my mom's face drop.

She groans, tilting her head and looking me disappointedly. "That's what you're wearing? Don't you think the interviewer is gonna be a little upset?"

I shrug. "That's the idea." I say triumphantly. I take her hand and kiss her on the cheek and wave goodbye over my shoulder. She sighs and says goodbye and probably goes back in the kitchen for a gin and tonic or something.

I open the car door and climb inside. As I put the key in the ignition my phone rings. Dad is calling, probably to make sure that I'm on my way.

"Hey, Dad." I say sadly. I start to back out of the driveway and onto the road. Dad is shuffling papers, like always, in the background.

"Hi honey, how are you?"

It's funny because wants me to think he cares, but he's done this before. I could be having the worst day ever, but it wouldn't matter because he wouldn't even notice. Even if he did, he wouldn't bat an eye.

"Don't worry about me, Dad, I'm on my way to the interview." I tell him, relieving him of his duty to see how I'm doing.

"That's great sweetie. I think you'll really see my side of things at this job."

I'm glad he can't see me roll my eyes.

"Yup, if I do well." I say, trying but not trying to hint at what's gonna happen today.

"I'm sure you will." Dad answers. "Have fun, okay? You'll do amazing."

I chuckle silently to myself. If only he knew, but, oh yeah, he's never here.

"Thanks Dad, bye." I hang up. I can't deal any longer. I switch to music, and She's Always a Woman by Billy Joel comes on.

When I was younger and Dad had just started at this company, we used to spend a lot of time together. He had me listening to his favourite songs before I knew I could choose songs for myself. Billy Joel was always my favourite. He was my first crush, even though we were so far apart in age. It didn't matter. Even when I didn't see dad so often, Billy was always there for me.

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