Yes I am aware I fucked up the times so my excuse is i went to taco bell and watch youtube and binged tøp and calving harris don't hate CAW CAW MOTHER FUCKER
KK ready for a terrable pun
K * clears (throught??? How tf do you spell it did I spell it right???)* first one is. Life is like a bowl of soup. You only get blown if you're hot. Ha oml best pun ever I deserve an award
Mk next one
Having sex in an elevator is wrong on so many levels. HA HAAAAAA GAHAHAHAH ehhhh the feels too funny I kill my selif guys ha ha ha
KK I'm done with this crappy update sorry for the lateness it will only happen many times again thanks for reading ily have a nice 12am
HumorEver need a joke in life ( it sounds like I'm selling something would you buy it) in this random book I'm going to be doing a pun or joke a day I'm bad at jokes so BEAR (laugh I want you to this is comedy gold) with me XXUNASTARXX OUT FISHES