Chapter 2~

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So like i know this story is shit but meh  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

I'm not really good at writing! So please don't judge! I know it's bad xD

~Chapter 2!~ 

The bartender named Grillby smiles with a bit of concern and notices you have a few bruises and cuts on your face. He comes back with your order and hands it you. You ask how much it will be but he kindly rejects your offer.
"You've got to be kidding... right? It's a joke r-right?" you say in a shaky tone

Grillby kindly smiles and says "It's ok. You don't have you to pay."

You start to cry and thank him more than a million times for what he just did.

You start to leave and wave at him. Mouthing the words 'Thank You So Much'. He waves backs and smiles.

Grillby's point of view~

By the looks of it, she's obviously been abused. I can't help but feel bad for her. I just had to help. I wish her the best of luck.

Normal Point of View~

'He was such a kind man... I wish my dad was kind too...' you say while walking slowly along the sidewalk wondering where you're going to spend the night. You look at the sky and whisper

"Mom... Are you okay up there...? I hope you're okay. I-I miss y-you..." You start crying and keep walking until you find an abandoned house. You enter the spooky looking building, hoping nobody is inside. You investigate every room. "Looks like it's all clear" you say to yourself. You head upstairs and make yourself a bed with a few blankets and pillow you brought. You go to sleep wondering why you have to endure pain everyday...

~End of Chapter 2~

Ya i know. This sucks ;-; It's so shortttt i'm sorry xD 

But oh well... nobody will read my shitty story so like...  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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