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Silence filled the space around us. We were both overcome with such a new feeling. I debated if I should break it. I had never seen you cry before. It only made the situation more real. I knew if I didn't say something that you would over think. I needed to speak. I felt tears fill my eyes as I opened my mouth."I'm sorry. I wish things could go back. I wish I could have stopped you. I know it was just to protect me, but you still did it. It still hurts. But she doesn't matter anymore. It's only us. It has always been about us. Us and us only. I think that's all that should matter right now. Us. I don't wanna forget it happened. I'm not going to forget it happened. But I will forgive."

"I can say sorry enough."

"I can't take you back," I whisper. The look on your was horrible. The most pain I have ever felt came from that moment. When I crashed my dirtbike into a tree and flew off couldn't even describe a quarter of the pain I was in.

"Why? I thought you said I was forgiven?"

"I also said I didn't forget. Maybe just friends." You looked broken.

"You know I can't do that. You know that's impossible. I love you," You begged. You rested your hand on top of mine. I loved the action so much. So much that I didn't wanna pull away. So much that I wasn't going too.

"I love you. But I think It would be best." And before I could say another word you were planting your lips on mine. I didn't know how to think. I didn't know what to think. All I knew how to do was kiss back. When you pulled away you placed your hand on my cheek. You used your thumb to wipe away the tears that had fallen.

"Do you still think that way?" I didn't. I had forgotten about her, about what you did. Everything that was broken was being bonded by an imaginary glue.

"Just promise to me. Promise that you will never do it again."

"I will always promise."

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