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There was always something that I loved about you and I. We always had something between us. Like it was meant to be. Like it was destiny. We needed to be together. We were together forever. I felt like I was on cloud nine. You were my prince charming. Nothing could change that. Our fifth day on the trip was the one where I thought I would never lose you.

We were on the back porch of the beach house. It was sunny, practically no clouds. We were watching out into the bay. My grandmother definitely didn't accept low when it came to the view of the beach house. We were looking over Kalami bay. We were on a hill so looking out into the city was a bonus. A beach was in our view. Far away, but you could still see tiny little dots surfing on the waves.

You had your arm around me with some type of white wine in your other hand. I was taking in the sun and taking pictures to send to my grandma and put on my instagram. We were silent for a few minutes but the silence was bonding. It proved we didn't need a full blown conversation to be happy together. We just needed each other. That was all that was important.

When you finally decided to speak it was just a whisper. You thought I was asleep on my chair. You couldn't see my eyes through the mirror of my sun glasses. You ran your hand along my arm and when you reached my shoulder you drew a line up to my ear where you whispered, "I love you." I didn't move or even speak. I couldn't show any sign of me being awake. I didn't wanna ruin the perfectness, The way your breath warmed my neck, the way you draw out on the 'you', or the way your lips brushed against my neck.

I thought then, that you wouldn't ever hurt me again. But somehow I always am wrong. Somehow I always fall short. Little did I know, our love was in vain. 

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