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y/n = your name

l/n = last name

f/c= Favorite color

f/f= Favorite food

f/d= favorite drink

H/l= Hair length

h/c= hair color

e/c= eye color

f/a= favorite anime

~~I might add more~~

~~Katelyn's POV ~~

        I woke up early than I usually do, I was on my bed with Nicole (EEK OTP!). I stood up without waking Nicole up, then walked to the stairs.I walked to the kitchen and saw Aph and Kawaii~Chan...fighting?

       What's even more surprising than them fighting is that Kawaii~Chan's up this early, she never wakes up at this time. "Uh, do I even want to know what's going on here?" I asked stopping their fight momentarily. They both looked at me, "APHMAU-SENPAI SAID SHE SHIPS (Y/N)-SENPAI AND LAURENCE-KUN!!" Kawaii~Chan yell while Aph yelled at the same time, "KAWAII~CHAN SHIPS (Y/N) WITH AARON!!" I sighed, "Who do you ship her with?!" They both yelled at me. "I don't ship..." I looked at them tiredly, "But if you did?" Aph asked, "I don't know, Garroth? maybe..."

       How am I supposed to answer that, "But she's doesn't like any of them." I stated, recalling what she said last night, 'they're all annoying bakas' she wasn't lying. "B-but, Katelyn-Sama... (yours and Aarons ship name)." She whined, "look I can give you a reason that she shouldn't be with any of them." I said, "She doesn't know them well enough," They both looked at me in a sad way.

       "She shouldn't be with Aaron because he's well, he doesn't say much, plus the only cute thing in that relationship would be (y/n). Laurence: He's Laurence and well all know he comes up with the stupidest things, he could get her killed for all we know. Zane: He's the definition of jerk, that all I need to say about him. Vlad: He just flexes with out a shirt in our basement! Dante: He dated two girls at once." I started.

       "Katelyn that one was in high school." Aph said, "it still happened and is still wrong." I said telling the truth, "anyway let continue. Travis: he flirts with ever girl he sees, that not good for a relationship. Garroth: He get to attached to people, animals, anything." I finished off the reason none of the boys are good enough for (y/n).

        "Well...Everything Katlyn-Sama said is true...but Kawaii~Chan knows (y/n)-Senpai will get with one of them...I can feel it!" Kawaii~Chan said, with a huge smile. "No, nope, not happening, I wont let her get with one of those." I said with my hands on my hips.

        "one of 'those'?" Aph question, "Yeah, those." I said not getting why she was confused, "Katelyn, they're people, you said ,'I wont let her get with ANY OF THEM." She corrected me, "No those things aren't people, people are civilized...ish." I said, being sassy like always.

       "Hmmm... Kawaii~Chan knows! We'll go to her house and have her tell us who she likes the most!" K.C Said, Aph nodded in agreement. "Katelyn?" Aph poked my arm, "are you coming too?" I looked at her  and sighed, "I'll go, but I don't think it's a good idea." I told them, "...yeah," Aph looked down, "Heh, hey Kawaii~Chan, 10 bucks she at Laurence's house!" Aph ran to the door somehow not waking everyone up.

        "DEAL!!" K.C yelled running after her, I walked behind them. Aph took us across the street to the guy's house, she opened the door without knocking. 

~~Laurence's POV~~

       I sat on the couch with (y/n), she took a deep breath and said, "alright, so, know what I'm...uh, I'm hungry! heh, we should eat!" She laughed nervously and gave an awkward smile, I sighed. "Ok, what do you want?" I asked looking away from her, she didn't respond. After a few minutes of awkward silences I was about to speak up.  I felt hands land on my face and pull me in the direction of (y/n). She got REALLY close to my face, her eyes closed Then...

       the door flew open and (y/n) quickly backed away. My face was a bright red as was her, we looked at the door and seen Aph, K.C, and Katelyn. "HA, that's 10 bucks to me!" Aph yelled looking at K.C, K.C frowned and pulled some money out of her pocket and handed it to Aph. I don't think they saw what happened, I hope they didn't see what happened.

       K.C and Aph we're in-front of (y/n) within seconds. "Heh, hey guys," She bit her lip and gave them a smile. "(Y/N)-SENPAI!?" K.C yelled making (y/n) back up a little, "yes?" She asked, "I HAVE A VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION!!" She said making (y/n) back up more. *THUMP* (y/n) fell of the couch, she rubbed her head and sat up with her (h/l), (h/c) in her face. She tried to blow the hair away but it landed back on her face. I chuckled, I bent down and moved her hair to reveal a blushing mess.

       "AWE!!" Aph yelled while K.C had a mad look on her face and let out a slight hiss. "Soo? what's your question?" (y/n) asked looking at the both of them, "AH, RIGHT. (y/n)-Senpai, which guy do you like the most?" K.C said while smirking at Aphmau, "th-the guy I like the m-most." She repeated, "um, what kind of like?" She question them. "Like, if you had to kiss one of the guy who would you kiss?" Aph awkwardly said, I blushed and looked at (y/n) . ", does my laptop count, heh" the girls just gave her that look as to say 'no, no I doesn't'. "Alright then, I would kiss...Zane." She shrugged, all of our mouths were wide open.

       "Don't get me wrong I don't like him like that, but he's less likely to tell people and I mean, the most I could do to kiss him is kiss his mask." I looked down, "b-but, Aaron-Kun~" K.C whined, "As long as you never really kiss him I'm fine." Katelyn stated,  "What about Laurence? I mean on a scale of 1 to 10 what are the chances of you kissing him?" Aph said elbowing me, I looked at (y/n). "Uh, I don't know. low?" Aphmau frowned and looked (y/n) dead in the eyes.

       "You came over to his house alone, and you held hands! so why wont you kiss him!" Said Aph, "Well, I mean it's not like he would want to kiss me either!" (y/n) looked at me for help, "Y-yeah! it's not like I like her l-like that or w-want to kiss her! unless she want me to." I mumbled the last part but I think (y/n) heard me, "that not convincing at all." Aph stated, "Wh-what no!, I was so convincing!" I argued.

       "Wait, are you saying you're trying to 'convince' them?" (y/n) asked me, she rubbed her arm looking in the other direction. "UH, I-I mean, I wouldn't kiss you if I didn't have to, unless you wanted me to." She looked into my pale blue eyes as I looked into her (e/c) eyes. "...I'm uh, I'm  gonna go home." She said getting up and going to the door. Soon she was gone and I was left alone with three girls who all had different opinions on what just happened.


word count: 1214

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