Free at last.

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(A/N This chapter will be a little short. It's a little bit of a filler I guess)

Jade's Pov:

The next day I was woken up with loud banging on the door. Thinking it was my dad who forgot key. I opened the door to... Cops?

They gasped at the sight of me. Guessing  I had bruised from last night I shut the door a tiny bit so they couldn't really see me.

"How may I help you?" I asked afraid they would question my appearance.
"Ma'am, your father was arrested last night for drunk driving and stealing. He'll be in jail for about 5-6 years. How old are you?" Said the officer.
"Almost 14." I said slightly relieved that I didn't have to dead with Daniel.

"Do you want to tell me how you got those bruises?" The officer said. I was slightly scared of telling him what would he think of me? So I shook my head.

"Okay well since your underage, I am afraid to say that you'll have to be put up for adoption since you don't have any other relatives. Do you have any extra clothes?" The officer asked now burning down to my height. I shook my head because I honestly don't. Daniel sold all of them to get more money for booze.  Then I soon came to realize he said 'Adoption'.

"What do you mean adoption?" I asked frantically.
"Well when we arrested your dad he told us that you were here, and that it would be best if he put you up for adoption. He signed the paper work already." The officer said with concern. I didn't say anything I just looked at the ground. I didn't know what to feel.

"Okay well do you mind coming with me?" He asked nicely.
I opened the door and Walked out. The officer opened it his hand and I flinched. He looked at me sadly and said he wasn't gonna hurt me. I took his hand in mine and he lead me to his squad car.  The whole car ride was silent, the officer tried to talk to me but I didn't answer. Matter of fact I just stared, I had no emotion to my face.

We finally pulled up to this place. The officer walked me inside and showed me to the front office. He started talking with a lady just a little older than him, I wasn't paying attention to the conversation but soon they lead to to a room. It was a bedroom, it was quite lovely if I may add.

"What's your name sweetie?" The woman asked. No answer, I just stare.

"Her name is Jade and she is Almost 14." The officer said looking at me. The woman glanced at me and smiled. They said something to me and walked out. I looked around the room and sat on the bed. The bed was super comfortable. Way more than my old one at home. Soon I felt my eyes drooping and finally I fell asleep.

I was asleep the whole day. I woke up the next morning with the woman who told me her name was Barbra, waking me up. She told me breakfast was ready and they have extra clothes in the closet. I change into a pair of skinny jeans and a t-shirt.

Breakfast was good, some people tried to talk to me but yet again I just stared. There were no kids my age, only young ones. The lady's who worked there were nice, they let me stay in my room most of the time. I only came out for food. When I was in my room al I did was think  or sleep, occasionally I would sing lullabies my mom used to sing to me. 

Simon's Pov:

Today me and my Girlfriend, Kate, went to go adopt a little girl. Currently we were in America because that's where Kate wants a child. Kate has always wanted a child but she can't have any. She doesn't want a young kid but not one to old either. Her age limit is 10-15. I was absolutely fine with that. 

Once we got into the felicity we went to the front desk. You could hear all the children playing or talking. As Kate was talking to the lady about what we were here for I started looking around. Kate soon joined me.

"They lady said we can look around and interact with the kids and choose which one we want." I smiled knowing how excited she was. We started walking around when we heard singing. It was so faint that it was almost humming. Either way it was beautiful.

Kate and I looked at each other smiling, she nodded me knowing what I was thinking. I walked over the the front and looked for the lady.
"Um excuse me Ma'am, whose in that room right over there?" I asked pointing to the room.

"Oh that's Jade! She got here three days ago, her is in jail and he put her up for adoption. He's a alcoholic, we think he abused her and maybe raped her. She won't talk and she really just stares. She's turning fourteen soon." Said the lady with sad eyes. I became sad to. I went and talked to Kate knowing what we were gonna do.

I walked back over to the lady and asked if we could meet her.

Jade's Pov:

I was singing my favorite song when I had a knock on my door. I opened the door noticing Barbra and two people I haven't met before.

"Jade this is Simon and Kate. They would like to meet you." She said with a smile. 

I exited my room and followed them to a couch. The two people looked really nice and soon I found myself actually talking to them. They were British it sounded like, but I like them anyway.

We talked for a while longer then they looked at each other. They gave a tiny nod, and looked back at me.

"Jade, we would like to adopt you. Would you like to become Jade Cowell?" Simon said. At first I was shocked but then I got up and have them both a hug.  

"I would love to!" I said as I was hugging them.

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