Chapter three

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My head was going crazy as I was looking at him what am i doing he a hunter i can't fall in love with a hunter he will kill me. Barry was looking at me as his hands where on my arms he forward. My mind was going crazy "he going to kiss you what are you doing pull back now you can't love a hunter". Barry pulled back and looked at me "sorry" and he walked into a motel. I looked at him as he walks in the motel and I said to myself "he won't love me am a monster no hunter can love a wolf". I walk into the motel and layer on the bed as I fall asleep. Barry walked out to get some food and he walked back to the motel "hey I got us food" he passed her some. "Thanks" I start to eat the pie and finished it. Barry smiles I looked at him "you need to get some sleep". Barry nods and falls asleep.

The hunter and the wolf girl Where stories live. Discover now