My thoughts then get interrupted by Dan himself. Yelling at me to start the car so we can get to the mall.
He's definitely the person I've been looking for.
As soon as Dan and I walked into the mall Dan sniffs the mesmerizing scents coming from the food court. Just like that Dan says the five magic words, "Let's go to Taco Bell". Without me agreeing Dan walks straight to the stand and waits patiently in line for his Nachos. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
"Which store do you want to go to next Phil?" I ask while getting up after eating my D E L I C I O U S nachos.
"Let's go to Albam, I need a new jacket"
"Phil,*gasps*, needs a new jacket. The guy that ONLY wears crazy jumpers?!" I tease, only to get a puzzled Phil.
"What do you mean?,he questions me. I don't ONLY wear jumpers, sometimes I don't wear a shirt at all to bed" he giggles.
That sentence made me stop in my tracks. I'm sure Phil noticed since he asked me if I was okay. I just nodded my head and looked on the racks for clothes. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
After half an hour of picturing Phil with no shirt on he finally got a jacket and we walked onto the next store, which of course, was the store he got his jumpers from. The store name was in some kind of language.
When I walked in the first jumper that caught my eye was a cat in space eating a taco and a slice of pizza. That cat is my spirit animal, I had to show Phil.
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We entered the firmiliar store where I get my crazy jumpers from, Dan and I going out separate ways. I think by now they know my name, and because I've practically bought their whole store.
All of a sudden out of the corner of my eye I see a very excited Dan running towards me holding a jumper.
"PHIL ,PHIL ,PHIL" he squealed.
" Yes, yes, yes?"
"LOOK AT THIS BLOODY JUMPER,THERES A CAT ON IT IN SPACE EATING A TACO AND A SLICE OF PIZZA. ISN'T THAT AMAZING?!?! GOD I LOVE THIS STORE", and with that I never saw him again. Kidding, kidding. He was excitedly looking around at all of the jumpers for about an hour. Picking and choosing which ones he should get. To be honest I thought he was going to buy out the whole store in one day. I could tell he was having a really great time.