Chapter Nine - Unexpected Invitation

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I didn't think I'd ever say this, but thank goodness it's Monday. My nerves haven't really calmed down since talking to Tyler last night. He's infiltrated my mind in a way no one else ever has before, and I'm actually happy to have school today. I'm hoping that will be distracting enough to give me some Tyler-free thoughts.

I'm still standing at my locker when my phone vibrates. My heart skips a beat, desperately hoping the message is from Tyler. After looking at the screen, I'm actually not sure which answer would be healthier for my heart. My mind and heart seem to have formed a strong alliance in favor of Tyler, when my heart starts galloping in my chest at the sight of his name in my inbox.

Tyler: Good morning sunshine, how are you today?

I can only imagine how silly the smile on my face must be at the moment. I think my face might actually start hurting in a minute or two because of that ginormous grin.

Me: You sound cheery this morning. :)

Tyler: Always happy to talk to you, in whatever possible way.

Me: It makes me happy too.

There, I admitted it to him. The endorphins are celebrating in my body, and I don't stand a chance against them.

Tyler: I'm glad. Listen, I wanted to ask you something.

Me: Should I be nervous?

Who am I kidding? I'm ready to jump out of my skin because I'm that nervous.

Tyler: Don't worry. I'm nervous enough for the both of us.

I let out a snort at his answer, and notice that people around me are starting to stare at me. Great.

Me: Spit it out, Tyler.

Tyler: I wish I could hear your voice at least, but I'm sitting in a super boring meeting right now and my schedule is packed for the rest of the day.

Me: Just ask already. Please.

Tyler: Ok, ok. The manager just told us earlier that we'll be having an extra concert this Saturday.

Me: That's great, right?

I'm starting to wonder why he's telling me about all of this.

Tyler: It's in Oregon.

Oh my goodness.

Tyler: In Portland

Less than an hour away from me.

Tyler: I'd really like to see you.

Tyler wants to see me.

In less than a week.

My brain seems to have malfunctioned since it is dead silent for once.

Me: Now what was your question?

Way to go, Anna.

Tyler: You're driving me crazy, Anna. Would you like to come to the concert on Saturday and meet me there?

I think the air conditioner must have stopped working, or my inner thermostat just failed big time.

Tyler: You can bring your family too if you want to. I'll make sure you guys get some good seats.

Me: My family? You're inviting my parents and my crazy sister too? She might get us all arrested if she actually manages to get her hands on Jet.

Needless to say that she'd completely and utterly flip. All the concerts near us were sold out faster than you could say Jet's name. Joanna cried for days.

Tyler: Ha! I'm sure it'll be alright. I'm not too worried. So is that a yes?

Do I want to see him? Yes, absolutely. But do I actually want to meet him? I'm not sure if putting a face to his voice will be a good thing. It will definitely change things between us, and I can't be sure it will be for the better.

I know I will feel guilty for the rest of my life though if I would turn down such an offer for my sister. Yes, let's make this about my sister, so much easier to deal with.

Me: Yes. Sounds great. Thank you so much for thinking of me and my family. My sister will love you forever.

Tyler: I can live with that. How about you?

What? Wait...what exactly is he asking me right now? Definitely not if I will love him forever too, right? I think I'm starting to lose my mind.

Me: To be honest, I'm a bit nervous.

Tyler: Not as nervous as I am, remember?

Me: I highly doubt that, Tyler. Even though you should be nervous about my sister. Joanne's crazy fangirl hormones cannot be underestimated.

Tyler: Stop worrying about her now. I'm sure she'll be fine. Plus, it'll be nothing as long as I get to see you.

Me: You're such a charmer. I bet you sweet-talk all the girls.

Tyler: No one but you, Anna.

Ugh. My mind must have rebooted, waving big Caution signs around, whereas my heart is already planning our wedding and picking out baby names.

I'm in trouble. Big, big trouble.

The warning bell starts ringing, and I'm abruptly pulled back into reality.

Me: I've got to get to my class now, sorry. Thanks again though, that's very sweet of you. I can't wait to tell my sister. She's totally going to flip.

Tyler: No problem at all, really. I've done it for selfish reasons, since I really want to see you.

You can't say he's not direct. I'm on my way to my classroom now, blushing like crazy.

Me: I want to see you too.

I hit send before I can change my mind and put my phone away. I've never been this direct before with a boy. It's exhilarating and nerve-wracking at the same time.

Five days until I get to see Tyler.

This is going to be a long week.


What do you think about Tyler and Anna meeting for the first time? I hope everyone is ready for that. ❤❤

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