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This is a story of a guy, Caleb Kay. He has insomnia but this sleeping disorder is a bit strange in his case. He can't sleep at all. He lives with his single mum and his elder brother. Has no idea of his father. Amidst his attempts to fall asleep, he winds up finding the reason why he is the way he is. And it is no small thing for him to digest cause it involves...oops I almost blabbed the spoilers. Wait and read the whole story to be published. Apologies in advance cause I am not a consistent writer and you might have to wait longer than you think. My muse for writing comes and goes frequently.

PS. This is not a story about me or anybody. The characters are work of pure fiction. Any resemblance with the name and characters are coincedental. I had to say this because: 1) Some of my friends started wondering if I have got Insomnia. No, I haven't. I sleep like a dead guy. 2) I always wanted to say this cause I find it cool.

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