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Dedicated to amitehfatass17

You're one of the bestest friends I've ever had, out of a few, and I'm pretty sure those few know who they are if they're reading this XD

You're a friend I can be my weird self without caring because I know you won't judge me since we're both weird in many ways.

Honestly, most of the people I meet reply with silence after I say something weird as if I were a disease. But you don't do that.
You decide to be weird with me. Laugh with me, joke with me, smile with me. Even though I can't see you through this screen, I know that you're smiling or laughing. Because you show it with the way you say things and the way you act.

And one thing I do know, is that real friends aren't afraid to be themselves.

And you're a real friend.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2016 ⏰

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