Chapter One

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Pi Nu House


5:23 A.M.

Whitley walked back to her house still buzzed from the night before. The sun had yet to rise over Southern's picturesque campus, which would make the journey difficult if she had not already memorized the route home from her favorite fraternity by now. She shivered as a cool, early morning breeze blew past her. Heeled boots, fishnet stockings, and a shacker shirt were far from reasonable attire when it came to below 50 degree weather. Whitley could have easily texted one of her sisters to pick her up, but she refused to let anyone know about her embarrassing drunken rebound.

Her boots, which were lovingly referred to as Whitley's Slut Shoes because of their resemblance to something a hooker would wear, got stuck in the dewy grass as she approached Pi Nu's back door. Whitley gave up and finally slipped them off before sprinting inside so that she wouldn't get blasted by the sprinkler system that went off every morning at 5:30. She walked through the dark empty kitchen to the grand foyer, stubbing her toe against a table on the way. Whitley held in a scream as pain flashed through her body. She tiptoed up stairs, avoiding eye contact with Claire, a sophomore, who scurried past her sharing embarrassment.

Two flights later, Whitley finally reached her room. She opened the door slowly trying not to wake her roommate. She stepped in and placed her shoes near the beautifully carved oak desk that had been in the house since the 70s. Everything else in the house had been refurbished but when Whitley found the desk in the attic last year she fell in love with it. Whitley loved antiques and liked to imagine the backstory of this delicate piece of furniture. Her room was one of the larger ones in the house. It was painted a fresh cream color and had posters all over it. They hard wood floor was covered by a plush, berry colored rug, that despite being purchased only a month earlier, was stained with red wine. The stain severely bothered the meticulous Whitley but after trying every stain remover the girls could get their hands on, it would not budge.

Whitley peeled off her fishnets and threw them in the hamper. "You look like an STD," scoffed Whitley's roommate, Savannah. She sat on the window seat holding cigarette and puffed smoke out the window. "I'd hate for our Social Chair to get sent to standards and be put on probation causing her to miss all of the parties she has planned."

"And I'd hate for nationals to know what a tobacco addicted, hypocrite our standards chair is," Whitley snidely replied.

Savannah gave her a dirty look as she stubbed out the cigarette. Savannah tossed the butt out the open window and then closed, preventing the frigid air from getting inside. She then proceeded to spray fresh laundry scented febreze in the room. It barely prevented the disgusting smell from permeating the dorm room. Whitley plopped on her Lilly Pulitzer bedspread. "What are you doing up so early?" Their snide words had been exchanged and now it was time for Whitley and Savannah to become best friends again.

"Couldn't sleep. I'm too busy dreading having to yell at everyone tomorrow for their behavior last night. Molly Hayes vomited on that hot Delt that looks like Liam Hemsworth!" Savannah rubbed her face distressed.

Whitley groaned, "I swear if she manages to ruin our chance at winning Delta Psi Chi's Greek Girls Competition I will personally strangle her!" Whitley could not stand that permanently drunk junior to begin with, God only knew what would happen if she ruined the sororities chance at winning the coveted title.

To Whitley, being the graced with the honor of being the best sorority in the eyes of Delts while she was social chair was better than be the next Kendall Jenner. Not only would that mean Pi Nu was the hottest sorority on campus, but also that she personally threw the best mixers and had the most fun girls. Oh, and something about being socially concession but no one really paid attention to that. The social chair of the top house was always highly regarded in Greek Town and was basically a shoe in Delts with the title of Sweetheart. Ever since Whitley had attended her first party at the Delt house she knew she belonged on the wall next to the gorgeous photographs of past sweethearts. At one point in her college career she knew she had the title on lockdown, but now she wasn't so sure. Things had certainly changed since the summer.

Though she was worried, she knew she really had only one true competition, Courtney Laspina. Courtney, Kappa Beta's social chair, was basically Delta's frat rat. Kappa Beta was the only sorority that came close to Pi Nu and they constantly fought over the best girls for recruitment, and of course top house. The last time the Pi's won the Greek Girls competition and Sweetheart was when Whitley was a freshman. It was her Big, Angelica McNamara, who had achieved fame in Greek Town as total knockout and best social chair. Whitley had always envied her big and now it was time to fill in her shoes. The competition would be tight and crucial, so they would need help from the entire sorority this year.

"I wouldn't worry about it," Savannah told Whitley, disrupting her thoughts about becoming sweetheart. "I doubt that kid has any real credibility in the frat. Wasn't he the pledge that passed out after shotgunning a single beer?"

"No isn't that the other guy that has a flow now?"

Savannah shrugged. It was hard to keep track of forty-seven guys. "Either way that kid got hot. So what we're doing sneaking in at 5 in the morning? Or should I say who were you doing?"

"No one," Whitley mumbled.

"Oh, c'mon, Whit! You seriously expect me to believe that? Did you get back together with Austin?"

At the mention of Austin's name, Whitley suddenly felt the shots of raspberry schnapps she did last night coming back up. "I don't want to talk about it. I'm going to bed."

Savannah didn't know what made her feel worse, the fact that she made her sister upset, or that Whitley wouldn't share with her what was bothering her. Ever since they met at the Meet the Greeks Barbeque freshman year they were instant best friends. But now things were different. Once she got back from her post break up trip aboard, Whitley seemed removed and depressed. Instead of focusing on sorority life, applying to grad school, and achieving her dreams, Whitley became dead set on winning Delta Sweetheart and proving to Austin that she was the one that got away.

Savannah sighed, wishing she could have the Old Whitley back. The one she used to plan her wedding with and stay up all night talking to. The sorority sister had dreamed of having since she discovered Greek life back in high school. She walked over to bed and attempted to get some shut eye before she held standards meetings tomorrow morning.   

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2017 ⏰

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