the reject that brought me back

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Are we there yet? I asked

"No Sash please stop asking ill tell you when we get there!" Grumbled Sapphire

You see we are on our way to the midnight howl pack to train them i really want to get there and show them how diffrent i am to when i left them and show them that im not just a weak pathetic waste of space like they thought i was.

Showing them that i now have a mate, friends and power. This will definatley shock them. My parents will probably start to brag about me and act as if they knew i was special and claim me as there own again but obviously i wont accept them.

My brother well he will try to bring out faults about the new me due to him being jealous and needing attention and my mate  ex-mate  will probally be mated to that whore Stacia!

Whore, slut, slag, hoe...shes all of them. oooh and a bitch!

HAH  her being the luna of the pack would definatley be a funny sight to see!



"Im up! Im up! No need for GPH!"

Trust me green pig hunting is the worst and it never  ends since they dont exist! I cant believe that im finally going back to the place that gave me nightmares for so long!

As i looked across the pack members that had recently gathered, i subcosiously searched for a particular pair of green eyes. Xavier's. How i ever had feelings for him i will never know, but that might have somthing to do with the fact that i have been marked by Alex......anywho lets get this show on the road!

"Come on Alex introduce us and all im tired of waiting!!!" I mind linked Alex.

"Me and my pack have come to help you as disscussed we will start training at 6:00 am "

Alot of the pack started to groan

"I will change it to 5 if you carry on! Now i'll introduce you to my pack" Once Alex said that we all stepped forward

"I bet you are wondering how such a small pack could become one of the best"

A lot of people murmured in agreement

"well i'll tell you how, with a lot of training and hard work and as well as.... our powers" The croud laughed and sniggered in disbelief. I knew this would happen. A pack like this always needs proof.

"This is no joke. To prove it we will each show you our powers!" I shouted.

I went first i made a water clone of me with electricity running through it. There was silence. Everyone was shocked even my own pack members since this is a new move i havent even shown them before.

"If you can use magic then tell me , have you used magic to look similar to a girl in this pack if you know where Sasha is please tell me! you see, she is my mate and i need her in my life!" by the end of this Xaivier was in tears and on his knees. This. Was. Not. How i expected things to be.

"Erm Xaivier i kind of am.. well you see... i am Sasha" i murmered. Xaiver looked up at me with his big green eyes filled with hope and ran to me full speed then smashed his lips against mine. The kiss was gentle but loving. I think that kiss may have fixed my broken bond with Xaivier .


As fast as the kiss the started the kiss ended due to Xaivier getting ripped of me by Alex with a deadly look his face that would scare anyone.

"Xaiver if i was you i would run!" Alex growled out but instead of Xaivier running Sapphire did. Everyone looked at the house she just ran into, with confusion. 5 minites later Sapphire re appeared with a massive bowl of popcorn.

"Thanks for waiting!!!! No one can watch a fight without popcorn"

What the hell?  oooooh popcorn DOES look  ---

We  looked at her as if she was crazy but she just shrugged it off without a care in the world.

"Alex you may have crazy powers but there in no way you could defeat the likes of me, so i think it should be you who is running but keep Sasha here because she is MINE!" Xaiver shouted. Alex let out a thunderous roar and charged at Xavier who looked over confident about this fight. I just knew that coming here was going to be one of our packs worst desicions yet.

What have we gotten ourselves into?


Sorry for taking so long with this chapter its just that iv had a lot going on and have been very busy i hope this chapter makes up for my absence please forgive me *gives puppy eyes* 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2015 ⏰

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