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• Tristan ∆

"This is 911 what is your emergency"

"There's been a accident on Lawnderdale Ave, my girlfriend she needs help a black car just ran into her and took off please hurry she's pregnant" I hung up the phone and a went to the drivers side of the car and there was blood everywhere.


When I got to the hospital I called the guys and they all rushed up here.

"How bad is it" kai asked

"I don't know they haven't sad anything yet" I mumble i really didn't feel like talking.

"Um who do I speak with concerning ms. Jacobs"

"Me" I said Silas looked like he wanted to say something but I paid it no mind.

"Well she'll have to stay for a couple weeks so we can medicate her she lost lots of blood"

"And what about the baby" the door looked down and sigh, I swear my heart almost broke

"The baby made it but will be monitoring her through the night to see how things go we don't know how long the child will be able to hold on while she's in this condition right now we actually have machines breathing for her" the doctor walked away and I sat back down and everything was quite for the whole night.

Everyone left but Silas, Ion no why his ass still waiting up for my girl.


• Trinity


They finally let me in the room with her, she had lots of wires hooked up to her and a breathing mask.

I sat down beside her and held her hand while saying a quick prayer for her and the baby. I was with her for bout and hour and the doctor pulled me aside telling me good news.

The baby's gonna make it

Thank you Jesus

I knew how it felt losing a child and I didn't want her to feel that way, it would destroy your whole life.

I heard her move so I looked down and her eyes were open.

My heart started beating fast

I tried speaking to her but she just turned he head ignoring me


I wish she would have got amnesia and forgot

She cleared her throat to speak then asked "how's my baby" I could tell she wanted to cry

"The baby's fine" I assured her and kissed her forehead Making her relax

"When can I leave"

"In a couple weeks" she laid back down and rested her eyes falling back to sleep and I stared at her all day watching her sleep

She was so beautiful


• Tristan ∆

3 weeks later

"You ready to go baby girl" I said grabbing her things

"Yea can't wait to get out of her" she smiled

We made it to my car and I got her settled in and buckled her seat belt

When I got in I looked over at her and she was cheesing mad hard

"What" I asked cheesing even harder than she was

" I like it when you take care of me" she said making me blush

"Good because you're moving in with me" I said and she looked at me weird

"Says who" she asked

"Says me" she just sat back and didn't respond

We made it to my place and I helped her into the house even tho she assured me she was fine.

"Were will I be sleeping" she asked sitting in the living room looking for something on Netflix

" Were do you wanna sleep" I grined

"Not with you" she laughed

"Well yo ass can sleep in the guest room then" I said sarcastically

I got her settled in then headed out to the trap to check up on things.


• Trinity ∆

I woke up because I couldn't sleep this is the first time in 3 weeks I've fallen asleep woke up and didn't see Tristan's face.

I missed him

I've been throwing shade at him LowKey because I was slightly still mad

I got up and walked around his house admiring everything it was very clean

I notice the door to his room and debated whether to go in or not, I decided to go in. his bed was huge and his TV was big as hell I could watch Netflix in her all day and catch up on scandal

I looked through his closest he had lots of shoes and clothes and Mk and Gucci belts.

I went to his bed and got comfortable and started Watching scandal, the president fitz was bae, i watched four episodes then I drifted off into sleep


• Narrator ¶

Tristan went to the the trap house but didn't stay long because he wanted to get back to Trinity as fast as he could

He placed all the food he had got her on the counter and went to the guest room to get her but she wasn't there so he checked to the bathroom and other rooms, he made it to his room and saw her sleep in his bed and he liked that.

Going to the kitchen he grabbed the food and brought it to his room and sat it at the foot of the bed.

He got in the bed waking her up so she could eat, he sat behind her and she leaned back against him while he feed her.

"Here finish eating this right here" he said with a spoon full of macaroni she ate it and sipped on her cola

"I gotta fill you up I can't have you starving my baby" he said kissing her cheek

"Your baby" she repeated looking at him.

"Yea" he said pecking her lips

"What are you saying" she said staring into his eyes Trynna figure him out

"I'm saying I got two babies I anit never letting you or her go" he confirmed kissing her forehead and rubbing her stomach

"Now lay down and go to sleep he said clearing the bed

Putting her under the covers they snuggled up together and talked silently till she fell asleep

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