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Let's talk about...

Alex was on the sofa with her daughter when Matt sat down next to Alex with a cup of coffee in his hand listening to Salome. Salome's daughter had gone down to the basement to see the dolls. Salome continues to explain about her husband's rage against her and her daughter. Salome looked at Matt very confused then back at her mother saying, " How come Matt is back?" Alex stares out the window to think of a good response to defend herself against Matt's blow out from the other day. Salome turned to Matt saying, " Do you think I'm over what you did to my mother?" Matt said, " Sal, I'm very sorry. Please forgive me." Alex said, " Salome, do you have a place to stay at?" Salome says, " Your interrupting on purpose just because your lover is happy, doesn't give you, my own mother, the right to change the subject," Salome swallowed her tears down, " So... mum, do you still have the marks?" Alex continued to ignore her daughter by saying, " Matt is staying. If you have a problem then you can leave or if your staying the back room is available." Salome says, " I can't believe this. Your selling your soul just like every other dude that walks in." Matt said having enough of Salome's voice towards her mother, " SALOME VIOLET HAETREL! YOU CAN LEAVE! Your mother is a blessing, and if you think Francis is bad your better off leaving!" Alex had enough and rose her voice screaming, " MATT SMITH AND SALOME, GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" Alex went to her bedroom while slamming the door. Salome left for a moment while finding a hotel. Matt didn't leave but went to the bathroom to control his angry.
After the fighting, Alex went down to her basement to play with her granddaughter. Salome let Violet, ( the granddaughter), stay at Alex's house cause Salome knew her daughter was safe. Matt quietly came down the nicely carpeted stairs to the basement overhearing the acting coming from both girls voices. Alex was in an old gown from her shows with her granddaughter in her arms laughing and joking around with her. Matt leaned on the side of the basement door watching the show and being misused. Alex turned around seeing Matt in the center of the doorway. Alex hopped over to where Matt was and said an old line from her script, " Well, what time do you call this?" as she laughs in the process. Her granddaughter tapped her grandma's shoulder saying, " grandnaw, do it again!" sequels the young girl. Alex puts Violet down saying, " Run and play Val," a small nickname that Alex gives to her granddaughter. Matt said, " Hello Alex." Alex said, " You didn't answer my question, " still upset with the fact that Matt was ordering her around again. Matt said, " I understand if your still mad with me. I have my bags packed and on the couch but I wanted to do something special for your birthday which is in a day." Alex said, " The only birthday present you'd provide right know is going out that door." Matt said leaning in for a kiss, " I think you still deeply love me." Alex pulled away and stepped back from receiving the kiss while grabbing the door. Matt said grabbing Alex's waist pulling her into his kiss, " I'm just very sorry." Alex pushed Matt away avoiding his kiss for the second time and slamming the door. Matt said between the separation of the door, " Please don't hate me." Alex said, " Leave.... just leave and don't look back." Matt walked back up the stairs, and Alex heard the front door shut.

Sorry these chapters are sad. I have to put conflict or it would be like they have no relationship break ups. Matt is young still not anything against these two because who knows. I love Alex and Matt with every soul and being of my fiber. Well, I don't know when I'll be updating but I will soon. Whenever I get another chance to update.

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