Chapter 3

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Taehyung- will you be

I just started laughing really hard I thought that was the most stupidest question ever like why would he ask me that

Taehyung- stop laughing like a weirdo I just don't like meeting new people and my friends jungkook and jimin left. Your the only other person I know!

Soona- (haha he looked kind of cute when he said that) um well you know I don't really like you and you always mess with me so....NO!

Taehyung- oh come on please I promise to make sure you never get bullied again!

Soona- I never said I get bullied

Taehyung- so your telling me that earlier those girls weren't yelling in your face to stay away from me and they weren't pulling your hair

Soona- how did you know, I didn't even see you around. Just don't tell anybody ok, it's embarrassing!

Taehyung- so can we?

Soona- I'm telling you no

Taehyung-ok fine can we just try to get along then.

Soona-no because that means I have to be nice to you and I don't want to be friends with a guy like you!

Taehyung-your always so cold to me. I'm just trying to be nice but now I'm really going to mess with you and ruin your school year.
(I got up and left, I found a small bench outside the school and I sat there just thinking about how cold Soona is)

You know I might be a rebel in the school but she doesn't have to be so cold to me expecally when I'm trying to be nice.

AIIIISH! (Yelled out loud)
Really Taehyung, why are you being so sensitive right now!

Soona always makes me sensitive and I hate it, and I don't know why but when I tease her it's fun but when I tease other girls its not fun because there not cute and I sometimes really do think Soona is cute!

I always tell myself it's not ok to fall for her but would it really be that bad? I mean she's cute she's fun and she's......

Why am I thinking about her so much right now. Why am I thinking she's cute and funny.

NO I can't like her, but maybe I already do? Whatever I'm just going to go home now.
(Starts walking home thinking wether he likes Soona or not)

I'm going to put my books in my locker and then go home. You know Soona you are very smart and you need to focus extra hard this year, and even though I like Taehyu......


What did I just think? No I can't like him, but what if I already do?

Oh Soona why are you like this right now. Would it even be wrong to like him, I mean I am a single girl and he is a single guy who has a cute smirk, and a deep attractive voice, and a nice body because I've seen him at P.E before without his shirt on and OMO stop it right now Soona, stop fangirling over him it's just weird.

Why do I keep thinking about him so much?
(Walking home thinking if she likes Taehyung or not)

Soona- When I was on my way to school that day Taehyung kept showing up in my mind

Taehyung- I can't believe I'm thinking about Soona on my way to school

Soona- I thought about it last night the one question I never thought I would say yes to!

Taehyung- I was thinking about her last night and I couldn't believe the question I asked myself and said yes to!
(Stops walking when he sees her)
I saw her by the lockers and she was standing there with a smile like always. I couldn't believe this is the person I said I liked last night it's only the third day of school and I'm already falling for her!!!!!

Soona- I can't believe I said yes to likeing him last night, like why did I even ask myself if I liked him. I just don't want him to know because then he'll make fun of me and I'll be embarrassed and that's when I'll feel like my life is ending.
(Gets nervous and smiles awkwardly when she sees him staring)
Did my heart just flutter when I caught him staring at me. He even had that cute smirk on his face!!!!! He's walking over here now OMG

Taehyung- Annyeong Soona
(I said it with the best smile I had)

Soona- Annyeong Taehyung
(I said it with my best smile)

Taehyung- Can I tell you something?

Soona- Umh sure

Taehyung- Soona I really like....You!

Im sorry if this book really sucks it's my first time writing a fanfic so please be nice. I would love it if you left comments I will read all of them and if you have any ideas please share them with me!

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