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iansomerhalder Can you leave? [@kelsiexx]
kelsiexx No, you loser
ninadobrev You changed your user?? @kelsiexx
kelsiexx Yes💁🏻 @ninadobrev
paulvedere oh
username Oh my god, Kelsie needs to back off of Ian. He's Julie's
iansomerhalder Um Kelsie is my bestfriend. If anyone needs to back off it's you. @username
phoebejtonkin Ian isn't a thing. He is a person. No one owns him. @username
username2 Kelsie is so ugly why do you hang out with her? #antikian
paulvedere Kelsie is a beautiful woman who doesn't care what you think. Leave her alone. Just because you are jealous, doesn't mean you can go around talking crap about her. @username2