Chapter 1

19 2 1

Rachelle Saint-Paul

I eagerly searched through the newspaper circling each hiring job ad. Job hunting is so stressful, especially in London. It seems like everyone here is working or they're looking for a certain person with certain qualifications. I sighed loudly throwing my head back. I didn't even want to come here. I wanted to stay in Boston where my family is staying but no! I had to come here with my husband cause he wanted to start a fresh new life, oh and he got a promotion from the company he works for and he lied to me telling me we were going on vacation. Ok so since when did we have to pack our whole house for vacation? Knowing me I didn't put it up for argument, I just went along with it.

I rolled my eyes getting up from the couch to walk to my small kitchen looking for something to eat. The apartment he got us living in is ridiculous. I mean it's not horrible and I am grateful that we have a roof over our heads, but the job he got and the bread he bringing home should've got us an apartment at least with a bigger kitchen. Literally only one person could be in here.

I shook my head opening the fridge revealing a rotten apple and a ketchup bottle. I sighed as my stomach grumbled. My husband and I aren't on speaking terms right now since he didn't talk to me about his promotion and this big move and I don't want to ask him for money. I saw a really nice cafe not too far from here and with the money I have I could probably get a muffin and a cup of coffee. I smiled at the thought and grabbed my coat with the money in it.


30 minutes later I arrived at the cafe and I was definitely hungry. I looked around not seeing a lot of people here. I walked awkwardly up to the register looking at the menu confused as ever.

"Hello ma'am, how may I help you?" I looked at the young lady that was a really pretty blonde, she looked about 17.

"Uh what?" I said not paying attention to what she had said before. She rolled her eyes and sighed.

"What do you want?" She asked rudely with her english accent more stronger. I raised my eyebrows surprised at how rude she's being.

"Um well can I get a chocolate muffin and a large cream Carmel coffee please" I said politely. Even though she was being rude doesn't mean I have to be rude back. She rolled her eyes typing in my order.

"That will be 7 euros" she said giving me a bored expression. I slowly pulled out a 10 dollar bill and slid it to her.

"Sorry ma'am we do not accept American money in LONDON." She said putting emphasis on London. I rubbed my forehead getting aggravated since I'm really hungry and a rotten apple with ketchup will not do.

"Can you please just take it, I don't ha-"

"If you don't have any money, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave" she said cutting me off while crossing her arms. I gave her pleading eyes while pouting. "Please, this is all I have." I said intertwining my fingers together. She was about to say something when a voice interrupted her.

"What's the problem here?" A deep stern voice said from behind me. She changed her posture and fixed her eyes on the person behind me.

"This lady right here" she pointed at me. "doesn't have any money and she won't leave sir" she said with confidence. I slightly rolled me eyes and turned on my heel crossing my arms. My eyes widen when I saw a tall, beautiful, muscular, handsome, caucasian man. His well defined structured jawline, freshly shaven face, well shaped thick back eyebrows and his beautiful brown eyes. He was mighty fine. He caught me staring and smirked. I cleared my throat and tilted me head to the side so I could fake itch my head.

"Just take the money and give her, her order." I looked up at the pretty blonde with wide eyes.

"But sir!-"

"Ms.Longwire !" He said calmly and stern making me shiver, and not the good kind. She gave me an angry glare and snatched the money from me while putting the Money in the register angrily after that stomping away. I sighed and turned back around.

"Thank you so much, I don't know what I could've done if you didn't come along" I said sincerely putting my hands over my heart.

He smirked at me. "You would've felt the wrath of Sarah."

I grinned. "Are you the manager or something?" I asked curiously. He gave me a surprised look and put his hands in his pockets. Did I mention he's wearing an all black suit? From what I'm seeing it looks really expensive. He smirked at me and said "Sweetheart...... I own this place and the other 3 a mile away form each other" Now I was surprised.

"Oh.." I was all I said

"Here's your order" Sarah said with nastiest attitude handing me the bag and cup of coffee. I took it from her and smiled at Sarah and thanked her. I turned around to walk away but before I walked out the door I turned back around.

"Thank you again sir" I said smiling showing my straight teeth.

"No problem" he stated winking.

I exited the cafe happy as hell that I got food!


I safely made it home and I was thankful the trip back was faster since it started getting chilly. I opened the door to my apartment and set my things on the nearest table. I took my coat off and turned on the lamp. I saw my husband sitting on the couch with his leg over the other one.

"Jesus" I said flinching at the sight of my husband. "You scared me" I said sighing loudly.

"That was the point baby." He said while staring at me intensely. I stared right back at him while crossing my arms and we stared at each other in silence. "I brought home some groceries and changed our money into euros since American money isn't used here and whatnot." He said getting up from his seat and removing his jacket. I rolled my eyes.

"Blake..." I started.. "I'm going out tomorrow to look for a job" I said confidently. I trembled with fear wondering what he would say next since he never liked the idea of me working.

He stopped what he was doing and looked up at me. "What?" He said with a harden glare.

I breathed in. "I'm going out to look for a j-" I was cut off with a sharp sting on my face and a angry Blake. My mouth hung in shock and in fear. Water blurred my vision as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"What the fuck did I tell you about getting a job? Huh?? I don't want you fucking working Rachelle. You ungrateful bitch! You never appreciate anything I do for you! I'm trying to provide for the both of us and all you do is fucking complain." He yelled in my face. By now I'm sobbing and tears are falling nonstop. He growled in anger and knocked the vase down and grabbed me by my shirt. I looked away from his angry eyes and cried harder. He took one arm back and lunged his fist at my face multiple times.

~ Rachelle Saint-Paul/ Instagram: @misslulusimmons

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