Chapter 2

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I laid in bed as I fake slept waiting for Stevenson to finish getting ready so he could leave for work. This is not the first time Stevenson laid his hands on me. We've been married for 5 years. It was an arranged marriage. Soon as I turned 20 my parents made me marry Stevenson Antonio Saint-Paul. When they told me I was soon to get married I was so angry at them for doing this, but as they spoke I could tell in their voices they had no choice and their eyes held sympathy. But why would they have no choice?

Stevenson came from a rich family and he was also spoiled, no one ever said no to him. They treated him like a king. And the first year of our marriage he made me feel like the only girl in the world and treated me like his queen. But then he started acting so rude towards me, like a switch went off on him and became this ruthless jackass. Then it was like the switch came back on and he was back to being this dream guy ever girl fell to their knees for. It scared me and I wanted out. But through out the years I began to love him and care for him and I couldn't just leave him so I sucked it up and dealt with it.

I heard the bathroom door open and my body tensed. I heard him sigh and felt him kiss my forehead. I heard his footsteps walk away and our bedroom door close. Before I got out of bed I waited till the front door close and lock. I kept my eyes closed and silently cried to myself. My body shook and tears came down faster and faster. I forced myself out of bed and walked into the bathroom. I turned the light on and stared at my reflection. My cheek was bruised and I had a black eye that was mainly purple. My face throbbed from the pain he left on my face. Now I'm scared to leave the house but I'm also scared to stay in the house.

I gently rubbed a cold wet cloth on my face to clean my face up and brushed my teeth. I took my makeup pack and started putting on makeup to cover up the bruises. Can't get a job with an ugly face.

After I finished putting makeup on I looked at my face and it looked a whole lot better than before. I went inside our decent sized closet and searched for a professional yet jaw dropping outfit. I chose a long sleeve white button up shirt with a collar, a navy blue skirt with a matching navy blue suit jacket, and black flats. I fixed my kinky coiled hair into a neat bun on top of my head and looked awfully pleased. I walked out the room and grabbed my resumé and the list of what jobs I would be going to. Before I left I said a quick prayer, grabbed my trench coat and headed out into the busy streets of London.


Before I met Stevenson I was in law school studying day and night to become a successful lawyer but I majored in English because I always wanted to become a journalist or an author. I loved reading and making up different scenarios with people who do not exist. I'm either making them fall in love or having the worst heartbreak to overcoming that, and maybe someone going into awesome adventures on a island the government does not share with the public. The list is endless. Stevenson loved those ideas I told him, or at least I thought he did. Stevenson convinced me to drop out of school and live with him, he told me he could make all my of my wildest dreams come true, and little 'ole me believed the bastard. I can't believe how fo--

"Umph" is the sound I made as I fell to the ground and all my papers spread out all over the ground.

"Next time keep your eyes looking straight ahead instead of on the ground" a deep annoyed voice said to me. I looked and couldn't make out the person because of the sun but the way he spoke to a lady made him very unattractive. I got up off the floor and began wiping off my bum and looked directly into those brown eyes.

"I am very very sorry sir I did not mean to bump into yo-"

"No no, it was my fault I should've been looking where I was going you were the one who was doing the right thing" the man cut me off staring into my eyes. I stared back and realized all my papers were on the ground and people were carelessly walking on them.

"Oh my gosh" I said breaking eye contact and started picking up my papers with footsteps on them.

"Let me help you." The man with the most beautiful brown eyes said as he bent down and started picking up papers with me.

"No sir I wouldn't want to trouble you, please carry on with your day." I said as he already picked up most of my papers. I stood back up and reached for my papers out of his arm and thanked him.

"I couldn't help but noticed that you had dropped your resumé, are you searching for a job?" He asked with his perfectly eyebrow arched.

"Yes sir I am, I just moved to London" I said with a smile beginning to walk away from this awkward conversation.

"I can offer you a job if you like, since it looks like you're really desperate for one".

Even with my back turned I can hear the arrogance in his voice and yes yes I am desperate for a job but he really didn't have to voice it. I turned back around slowly with my eyebrow arched.

"And who says I'm desperate for a job?" I said looking around. With my eyebrows together in confusion. He smirked "follow me" he said as he walked towards an all black Rolls Royce and got in. I looked inside the car with a crazed expression? Who the hell this man think he is?

"Are you going to get in or you're just going to stand there and look at me like I'm crazy?" He grinned.

"Do you really think I'm gonna get into some car with a stranger?" I looked at him like the crazy person he is.

"Watch out there's a bicyclist coming full speed ahead" he said smirking I scoffed and turned to look and indeed there was a person riding a bicycle full. Speed. Towards me. I didn't have enough time to react as I jumped inside the car and slammed the door shut as the bicyclist sped passed me. I let out a loud sigh and wiped off the nonexistent sweat off my forehead and laid my head back.

"Yes I do think you would get into a car with a complete stranger." He said with amuse as the car started moving forward into traffic.

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