Chuck's Revision

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Chuck's Revision

Summary: Both Castiel and Chuck were too late in doing anything to save anyone. Castiel loses all hope, but Chuck is desperate for everyone (mostly) to have a happy ending, so he gives Castiel a choice; a chance to do everything all over again with no guarantees or to accept what has happened and live his days out on the soon to be ruins of earth and in hiding from many. Of course, Chuck mentioning changing Sam and Deans fate, Castiel immediately knew what he had to do, or in this case RE-do.

Character(s): Chuck {God}, Castiel, Amara (mentioned), Lucifer (mentioned), Sam, Dean, John, Mary, Jimmy, Novak Family, etc....

Warnings: Based off of "Don't call me Shurley", but I haven't seen season 10 nor 11. I've been busy with school and some other stuff, so THIS IS COMPLETELY AU! Mentions of characters deaths, cursing, crying, and angst. I got my information from Tumblr and random clips surfing the web.


"No...." This wasn't how things were supposed to turn out. None of this was supposed to happen! Castiel looked around desperately, all around him which seemed to go on for miles and miles were one corpse after another. Letting Lucifer in....the darkness somehow being was all supposed to make things right! Everything should be better now! Lucifer was gone once again, and although he was very weak at the moment from enduring Amara's torture, being healed by....someone, Castiel didn't even remember who, didn't take the pain and exhaustion away entirely. But here in this town, Castiel could still hear so many people crying out in agony. Praying for help, some had given up and resorted to praying for a quicker took his last reserves just to come to this town, he didn't have any strength to help them....he wasn't even sure he could help them. He didn't even know what was going on.


He froze, he knew that voice. He just hadn't heard it in quite a long time now, but there was something off about it. The voice seemed...distant yet right by his ear at the same time, and so much more familiar than ever before. It took him a moment to realize the voice was coming from inside his head, which made him even more confused. He hadn't turned back on 'Angel-Radio' in a long time and he knew not one who would personally address him. Not after all he's done. Even if by accident.


Somehow, even when being somewhere he never was before Castiel's feet knew exactly where to take him. Slowly, as though on a casual walk through the park, Castiel made his way past every abandoned car and each new corpse littered across the streets and lawns until finally he came to a stop. Just outside of some cozy looking bar the was clearly vacant except for the lone figure seated on a stool in the middle on the stage; a guitar clenched tightly in his hands and the microphone stand seeming kicked over onto its man's shoulders shook in great effort of controlling the sobs racking through his frame as tears slid slowly down his was struck by the fact that someone was still alive in this place, but what startled him the most was that said man was none other than Chuck Shurley, prophet of the lord. Only something about Chuck had changed since they've last met...

"F-Father?" Castiel finally managed to gasp out.


Chuck had looked up at him and Castiel was struck by just how...tired he seemed. There was something else there hidden in the depths of his was...sorrow.

"Castiel...I-I'm so sorry....this....this wasn't how things were supposed to end. This wasn't the script..."

Castiel didn't understand why he was apologizing....none of this was his fault.

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