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"Hey Adrienne, you should probably get up and eat something" James says sitting next to the sleeping boy. Adrienne slowly leans up yawning slightly. "What are we having for breakfast?" Adrienne asks rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. James grabs his hand and leads him out of the room, down the stairs and into the kitchen where 3 women are making endless amounts of food. Adriennes eyes went wide for two reasons 1: he's never seen so much food on one place before, and 2: James didn't let him get dressed so he's standing in a kitchen bare ass naked in front of 3 old ladies. "Um James could you maybe grab me some pants?"  Adrienne asks as he hides his nude lower half behind the tall counter. "Oh um yeah sorry" he says rushing up the stairs and coming back down with a pair of sweats. "Here, these should do for now, atleast until you're done with breakfast" James hands Adrienne the sweats and sits down at the bar. As Adrienne finishes getting the sweats on one of the old ladies sets down a plate of pancakes and a bottle of maple syrup.

"You should probably shower and get dressed, I need to take you shopping and get you a new wardrobe" James says not looking away from his newspaper. Adrienne nods as he finishes the rest of his breakfast. Standing, Adrienne excuses himself and heads to the bathroom. Getting into the shower and starting the water, Adrienne can't help but feel how sore he is from last night. Atleast Markus was sweet and caring, he's slept with guys who were horrible to him. After drying off and getting dressed, Adrienne meets James at the limo.

After about a 15 minute drive they arrive at a mall of sorts. "Okay don't worry about money I'll be paying for everything and it will not affect your pay" James announces as he begins to walk to the entrance. Adrienne follows him in and stares in aw at how enormous the inside is. He can't help but feel out of place as everyone around him is dressed in designer brands, some of them even stopped to give Adrienne dirty looks causing him to hold his arm and look to the ground. "Hey don't worry by the time we're done here you'll look better then all these people" James says, apologetically putting a hand on Adriennes shoulder.

After 2 hours going from store to store and a hair salon Adrienne and James are walking out of the mall with bags galore getting all sorts of stares from people in the parking lot. "So Adrienne how do you like your new style and hair?" James asks while opening the limo door for the boy. "I actually love it, I've never had colored hair before" he says taking a long strand of hair and playing with it.
"Good, I'm going to have John here take you back to the mansion, you'll be staying another night there, I have someone I'd like you to meet in the morning." James says as he shuts the door and let's the driver drive away.

Well that's another chapter, so far I'm loving how all this is turning out. I'm going to put put picture in the next chapter so you guys can see what color Adriennes hair is.

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