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Steve sighs and fixes his hair in the mirror. It doesn't help much, but at least it's combed now. Peggy always says he looks better when his hair is combed. Of course, Bucky always said it looked "a helluva lot better messy" and "fixed" it for him after saying so, but Steve doesn't really care about his own appearance anyway.

He's wearing the most casual clothes he owns, besides sweatpants, so he hopes he looks okay to be meeting a bunch of new people. Khakis dont make him look old, do they?

Steve sighs to himself and knocks on the door to Natasha's apartment. This is going to be fine. He's not that bad at socializing, no matter what Dernier says.

"Hey!" says a man who is definitely not Natasha as he opens the door. Nevertheless, the man is grinning, so Steve gives him a small smile back. "You're our new neighbor, right? I'm Sam Wilson. C'mon in, I made a veritable smorgasbord."

Steve follows the man's instructions and recognizes Natasha and Clint in the living room. Thankfully, Sam is the only other person there. Steve isn't sure he'd be able to handle the entire floor at once.

"Howdy, Rogers!" Clint exclaims when he sees Steve. "You've met Sam, I guess. You're the apartment on his left."

"I'm hoping whatever he's made tastes as good as it smells," Steve says, hoping his voice carries.

"Sit down a spell, soldier." Natasha says with a smirk.

Steve accepts her invitation, trying to ignore how close Nat and Clint are sitting on the other couch.

"Who else is coming?" Clint asks Natasha.

"Just the usual. Minus Jan and Hank obviously."

"Why obviously?" Steve asks. This is why he hates meeting new people. They always have preexisting stories that you have to navigate through without looking too awkward.

"Oh, we're shunning them," Sam supplies. "They moved downstairs so they aren't allowed at game night or dinner until they apologize."

"Seems a bit over the top, but alright," Steve says. He gets a chuckle. "Does this mean I'm in their apartment?"

"No," Clint says. "Just Janet's. She moved in with Hank a few weeks before they moved down to the fourth floor. They been down there almost a month and there's still no takers on Hank's place."

"Wait," Steve says, "you've been shunning your old neighbors for a month?"

Nat shrugs. "We warned them not to leave."

"So there was another apartment I could have looked at?" Steve asks Clint, confused. He had assumed that there was only one apartment available, as he had only been told about the one Gabe had found for him.

"No," Clint shakes his head. "This weirdo took it the day I put out the listing. He hasn't come to get it yet, but he paid rent up front so I didn't ask very many questions. He had kind of a weird name, too, now that I think about it."

"Really?" Steve asks. "What was it?"

"TONY STARK IS IN THE BUILDING!" Yells a voice as the door slams open to reveal a short, obviously enigmatic man with very interesting facial hair. He just sort of keeps yammering once he enters the living room, so it takes Steve a moment to process the name. When he does, he blurts it with extreme volume and confusion.

"Tony Stark?"

"Yes, and you are?" Tony says, flopping onto the couch next to Steve. "Besides gorgeous, I mean."

"Steve Rogers," Steve replies, unfazed. In the years since his dramatic increase of muscle mass in college, he's gotten used to comments like that. "I moved into the apartment Janet left."

Steve: What is he gonna do?Where stories live. Discover now