October 4th

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As I assume you’ve noticed, Kevin’s back. I’m glad. It’s kind of boring without him around. That and I worry about what weirdness he gets up to without me around to keep an eye on him. He tries to do too much by himself. I swear that’s how he got sick in the first place.

            The warning bell for second period had just rung when Kevin’s head snapped up. Leah jerked to stare at him, noting his flaring nostrils and how his pupils had become slits. She shoved her books back onto her locker and pulled out her vambraces, quickly lacing them up and pulling her sleeves down over them. All around them the other students hurried to their classes or strolled downstairs to the cafeteria to enjoy their spare period.

            She waited until the remaining students near them had joined the dwindling sea of humanity before asking “What is it?”

            His eyes met hers, the yellow-green colour creating hypnotic, shifting patterns. “Someone has broken through my protections. They, I am almost certain it is a pair, are inside.”

            Leah choked. “Inside?  Like inside the school?”

            He nodded, eyes turning to look at the floor, as if he could see the intruders through it.

            “What do you think they’re going to do?”

            “They will seek me out and attempt to capture or kill me. I am not certain what their orders will be,” he replied, eyes running along the floor.

            She winced. “And the other students? Do you think they’ll attack them as well?”

            His eyes met hers and she gasped. She could read the answer there but he said it aloud anyway. “If they get in their way, they almost certainly will.”

            Leah took several calming breaths, trying to slow her racing mind and heart. “Okay, okay. How long do you need to get rid of them?”

            He frowned. “I am not certain. It will depend on the skill of the mage.”

            “Okay well we only have until the end of this period or the halls are going to be full of people again. The last thing we want is someone getting caught in the crossfire. And that’s only if the sound of fighting doesn’t attract a bunch of gawkers. Which it probably will. Then we’ll have some real explaining to do,” she said, sighing. “Well, nothing much we can do about it I suppose. Except what we already are. Now where are your lizard friends?”

            Kevin frowned and Leah was pretty sure he hadn’t understood half of what she’d told him. “They are not lizards, nor are they my friends. I believe they are in the basement.”

            “Then let’s go.”

            He looked at her for a long moment, hesitating, before he nodded. He took her hand and pulled her after him, down the stairs. They raced down the last flight of stairs to the basement, only slowing when they were a hall away from the dragons. At least that’s why Leah assumed they’d slowed down. They crept along, both sets of eyes darting everywhere, looking for some hint of the enemy. It wasn’t until they rounded the corner that stood between them and the hall that held the boiler room and old auto shop room that they found the other pair.

            They saw each other at the same time and both pairs split apart. Leah stared at the two facing her. The woman was taller than Kevin, her hair a bright yellow that brushed the backs of her knees. On her forehead were two little lumps and it took a minute for Leah to realize they were horns. The dress she wore was loose, with a wide neck and wide sleeves. She assumed it was so she could wriggle out of it in dragon form.

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