3. Words Are Knives And Often Leave Scars

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2. Words Are Knives And Often Leave Scars


Dean woke up, yawning.

His wrists throbbed and he looked at his alarm clock. 12:42. Dean just sighed, pulling his blankets up. Missing one day of school was fine. Dean felt his stomach rumbled and he bit his lip. He shook his head and finally sat up, leaving his room, the house silent.

Dean wondered when their Dad would be back, and he shuddered. His dad would catch on to what was going on.

He flipped the light on in the kitchen, grabbing the load of a bread and taking a piece out. He ate it slowly, putting up the loaf. Then he went into the living room and turned on the tv, lounging on the couch. Bread would tide his stomach over, at least stop it from growling and annoying him.

He flicked through channels and settled on Dr. Sexy, turning up the volume and loosing himself in the show.

• • •

Dean stretched and grabbed his phone, looking at the time. 2:15. One more hour until school was over. He then saw he had missed text messages and calls.

5 missed calls from: Castiel

10 texted from: Castiel

7 missed calls from: Samuel

15 texts from: Samuel

Dean frowned and swiped away all the calls, pausing to read the messages.

Dean, where are you?

You never miss school, seriously where r u?

Dean, answer me.

Dean, please don't do this.

Why won't you answer? Dean, I'm sorry about yesterday.

Dean if you don't answer me I'll come over.

Please, I'm sorry about yesterday...

I told Josh to say sorry, he did...

R u ignoring me on purpose??

Please just tell me you're alright...

Dean bit his lip and his thumb hovered over answering.

He deleted the messages.

Dean, I had to leave.

Txt me when you wake up.

I thought you'd come...

Please tell me what's going on!

Dean, you're scaring me.

Please come to school.

Don't do this, Dean what's wrong?

Why are you isolating yourself?

Dean...you've changed...

You're all that I have left, please tell me you're fine.

No, don't tell me you're fine. Tell me what you feel, tell me that you're alive.

I'm so sorry...

You forced me to do this...

Dean paused. What did Sam do?

Dean, I only did this for your own good, you've really disappeared...

Dads coming home next Friday.

Dean dropped his phone, staring at it. "No no no no no..." Dean mumbled before gripping his hair. "No no no no no!" He shouted, picking up his phone and calling Sam.

He picked up on the first ring.

"—answer phones in class!"

"Samuel Winchester!" Dean shouted, his voice cracking and emotions seeping into them.

"Dean? Thank god, you worried me."

"You called him home? He wasn't suppose to be home for another two weeks!"

"Dean, dad knows how to fix you."

"No he doesn't! I'm not broken, just fuck off and leave me alone!" Dean yelled, pretty sure people in Sam's class could hear him.

Dean hung up and called Castiel, running on adrenaline and anger. Cas picked up on the second ring.

"Dean? Are you alright? Why didn't you come to school today? Where are y—"

"Quit calling me and saying sorry, because I know you're not."

"What? Dean, I am!"

"And I don't really give a damn about how Josh McFuckerson says sorry, why should I? I mean, he's your boyfriend and not mine, why would I care? Why would I have a fuck about anything?"

"Dean, calm down. And we talked about this. Im sorry for fucking caring!"

Dean went silent. Cas was breathing heavily.


"I...bye, Castiel."

Dean heard Cas take in a sharp breath at the word Castiel.


"I'm tired, and I need to get ready for my dad."

Dean shakily hit end, dropping his phone. He stared at it before picking it up and heading outside, his mind blank.

Then he smashed it on the pavement with all he had.

Dean stared at the remnants of the electronic, feeling a hand on his shoulder. "Dean..."

Dean turned around to see Sam and Cas and...Josh.

"Why...Sam why are they here." Dean said with a stoic voice, a hint of hatred in it. Cas flinched and Josh rolled his eyes. Their hand were laced and it made Deans stomach roll. Sam looked at Dean curiously. "Dean, Cas is your best friend—"

"Not anymore."

Dean grabbed Sam and went back inside, leaving a hurt Cas behind with Josh.


This is getting intense! Leave a comment on who you hate the most rn.

I vote for Josh, because he fucked things up first.


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