chapter two

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narrators pov :

nicole grabs her black messenger bag full of note pads and journals so she could be prepared for her interview with a doctor

* hours later *

nicole jumps out of the cab and slowly walks towards the alexandria ayslum or so the sign said. " oh my gosh he said mental institution I should've known it was an asylum " nicole whispers to herself in awe. she struts into the building and asks the first person she sees
" hi can i have a quick meeting with one of your doctors or whatever you call it ? it's for a school project and i would really appreciate it "
the tall man asks her to follow him to the doctors office. " this is dr. shavaki " he introduces in a German like accent. Nicole smiles to dr. Shavaki and dr. Shavaki nods and shake hands. The German man walks out of the office in his floppy green scrubs. the following is the conversation nicole has with dr. shavaki

n : hi I am nicole and i go to william howard high school ! i was asked to interview a doctor or therapist from this mental institution. may I ask you some questions ?
a : oh of course ! you can call me angela  by the way
n: sure so i wanted to ask
how do you treat the patients that treat you with disrespect
a: we punish them
n: may I ask how ?
a: you can ask but i wont tell you how
n: o okay well next question !
do you you use therapist for the patients that have psychological issues ?
a: they all have psychological issues
n : oh riight okay umm... what college did you go for , for you psychology degree?
a : i don't have a psychology degree
n : oh wow okay, can I ask the patients some questions as well?
a: i thought you were only supposed to ask the doctors
n: will I could ask patients as well
a: well, no you may not ask the patients

nicole wonders why angela was being so vague and straight to the point. she needed details,enough details for a five paged essay. nicole did noooot have a good feeling about this place . an asylum Where stories live. Discover now