Chapter 1

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Jacob's (Jake) POV

"Hey Jakey, ready for maths?" Jenny, my bestie, giggled. I groaned at the mention of maths. I hated maths, it was boring and difficult. But the real reason I didn't like it is because of the gorgeous, hot, sex god of a teacher, Mr. Jones.

"Do we have to go?" I whined, whilst being dragged to class by Jenny. "Maths is torture."

"I thourght being a masochist meant you like being in pain and torture?" She asked innocently, walking through the door so Mr. Jones heard the whole sentence. I just blushed and looked away, pretending he wasn't there. I just walked to our seats at the back of the room and sat down.

"Yeah, but just during sex" I told her, blushing more.

"So, if I slapped you on the cheek you wouldn't like it, but if I slapped on the bum you would like it?" She asked innocently. I honestly never thourght about it that way. I actually I kinda liked it when my ex slapped me when I broke up with him. And I liked the way he scratched me when we had sex and the way it stung every time I put pressure on it every time after that.

"Actually, I can probably say that I like all pain." I told her.

"So can I slap you?" She had an evil smile on her pretty little face. Sitting down next to me, she was looking at me with questioning eyes.

"There won't be any slapping in my class room" Mr. Jones' smooth, deep voice floated through the room making me shiver. I looked over at him to see an amused smirk plastered on his beautiful face. "I didn't know you were a maochist, Jacob" he shifted his position so that he was no longer leaning back on his chair but sitting up properly, watching me closely with an amused smile still on his face.

"I-uh-" by now I'm sure I was the colour as a tomato. I was thankful that the bell had now rung and people were starting to fill the room otherwise I would've embarrassed myself further. I just started taking my things out of my bag and placing them on the table in front of me.

"Embarrassed?" Jenny whispered into my ear as Mr. Jones started the lesson. I gave her a death glare and tried to take down as many notes as posible while trying to understand it all. I really hated maths because I never understood it. Why the hell would you put letters in maths?!


Once the bell rung I legged it out of class waiting for Jenny to come out. No surprise there. But it wasnt long before I saw her retreat from the room.

"Bye, sir" she hollered at him.

"Bye, Jenny" he hollered back.

"Come on" she sang, dragging me along the corridorto our next class. This was going to be a long day.


Andy's POV

Thank god it's the end of the day. I couldn't wait to get home and spend some time with my little boy. I'm just hoping the bitch he calls mother doesn't turn up tonight. She usually sees him every month but its been a couple of months since she's shown her face and I really hope she isn't gonna turn up tonight.


Sorry that this chapter is crap and not very long, but I felt the need to post and here it is. This was just really an introduction to the characters.

My Masochist Student. BoyXBoy/Slash TeacherXStudentWhere stories live. Discover now