Chapter 1 (rewrite)

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Okay so I'm gonna try to write this in third person, as I think it would portray the characters personality, looks, thoughts and feelings better. So... yeah... enjoy!

Jacob, also known to his friends as Jake or Jakey, is you averse fourteen year old lad. His short brown hair styled into a little quif, out of the was of his bright, green eyes. His high cheekbones made it hard for any girl to resist him, even if he was gay. His body build, lightly toned, but what would you expect? He's a masochist, any pain suits him, especially ones that last weeks!

"Hey Jakey, ready for maths?" his best friend, Jenny asked. Jake groaned at the mention of maths. There were three reasons why he didn't like that subject;

1) It was difficult! Seriously! Why do they need to find Maths X if she ain't coming back?! ;)

2) The subject was extremely boring!

and finally:

3) H didn't like it because of their super sexy, gorgeous,hot, sex god of a teacher Mr Jones.

"Do I have to go?" he whined, slowly getting his suplies out of his locker and into his bag and before he had the chance to say anything else, he was being drages off to their maths room, which so happened to be up the other end of the corridor! "Maths is torture" He complained to Jenny. Instead on answering she just walked on. walking into the room she smirked, her plan working perfectly.

"But I thought that being a masochist meant you like pain?" she asked him loud and clear so that the other few students that were already in the room and Mr Jones could hear, her tone inocent, yet Jake knew what she was tryig to imply.

"Oh, shut up!" he mumbled to her, walking over to his seat at the back and sitting down.

"What type of pain do you like most?" she asked, plonking down next to him. "OOH, OOH, WAIT let me guess!" she squealed, " Would you like it if I slapped you?" she asked raising her arm.

"There won't be any slapping in my classroom" His deep, smooth voice rang through the room, and an uncontroleable shiver crept down his back as he turned his attention to a now smirking Mr Jones who has shifted his position. Instead of leaning back into his chair, his posture was now professional. He was sitting up straight. "I didn't know you were a masochist, Jacob" he stated amusement lasses through his voice.

"I-uh-" Jacob stuttered out. By now he was convinced he was the colour of a tomato. he sunk down in his chair wishing he could disappear and he was thankful when the bell had rung and people starting to fill the room otherwise he might've embarrassed himself further.

Once Mr Jones got up and started writing on the bored, preparing for lesson, Jacob started taking his things out of his bag and placing them on the desk in front of him.

"Embarrassed?" Jenny whispered into Jake's ear as Mr. Jones started the lesson. He turned around and gave her the best death glare he could and tried to take down as many notes as posible while trying to understand it all. He really hated maths because he could never understood any of it. Like why the hell would you put letters in maths?!


Once the bell rung he legged it out of class waiting for Jenny to come out of the room. No surprise there. But it wasnt long before he saw her retreat from the room very cheerful and slowly at that.

"Bye, sir" she hollered at him.

"Bye, Jenny" he hollered back.

"Come on" she sang, dragging him along the corridor the twos next class. This was going to be a long day for him.


Andy's POV

Thank god it's the end of the day. I couldn't wait to get home and spend some time with my little boy. I'm just hoping the bitch he calls mother doesn't turn up tonight. She usually sees him every month but its been a couple of months since she's shown her face and I really hope she isn't gonna turn up tonight.

Okay I'm gonna leave that last paragraph like that I might put a few single POV's in here and there. Thank you all for your patience!

My Masochist Student. BoyXBoy/Slash TeacherXStudentWhere stories live. Discover now