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Y/n pov

Me and mark have been together for about a month now and it's fantastic we go on dates almost every week I'm nearly in all his videos the fans loves us together and every night we go out on the balcony to stare at the stars and cuddle then i end up falling asleep in his arms and he would always carry me to our room then cuddle with me even more only if people could see and understand how much I love the sexy dork


Me and mark have been together for about four months now and things aren't like what they exactly used to be but he still treats me like I'm his queen I'm not in his videos a lot anymore and his fans would wonder what had happen to me but mark would always reassure them that were still together we would go on dates every month or two which is totally fine by me and now he spends at least a quarter of the in his recording room which again completely fine by me he has his career to do


It's been eight months since me and mark got together mark is changing slowly he is in his recording room for half the day editing or recording videos while I'm stuck here with chica oh I forgot mark got a dog to keep me company when he is on his trips or with friends anyway mark and I get into little fights about how he pays attention to his friends more than me then after the fights he take beer and stuff into his recording room and get until he passes out I'm now missing my old markimoo


Mark and I have been together for a whole year and I've been wanting to tell some news and yes you guessed it I'm 2 months pregnant and mark has been very distant from me he now locks himself up in that same room all day only come out to eat,shower,and to used the bathroom and I'm getting sick if it all tonight he has to come down for dinner and then we will talk as time passed it was dinner time and I just made some burgers and fries then I had called him down after months of him in that room I finally get to see the man I fell in love with "hey y/n where's the food" "well instead of me eating alone I thought we could eat together like we used to" he then sighed and rolled his eyes and made his to to the table and as he sat down he groaned and sighed again but with irritation and anger I then followed him and took my seat "so mark how's It been" "argh do you have to fucking talk y/n" "I'm sorry mark I but have to tell you something" "hurry and say whatever the hell it is" "well mark i-im p-pregnant" I tried saying while holding back my tears "so what does that have to do with me" he said coldly "mark your the fucking father and I was hoping if you take a fucking break drinking and recording all damn day you could help me prepare for your baby"I said as i began to cry "Y/N YOUR ACTING LIKE A FUCKING BITCH JUST GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY FACE" "FINE MARK FUCK YOU" I said as I stormed off into the room we shared and closed the door then mark came in and grabbed a jacket and left a Few minutes after he left I went down and cleaned up the food then went Back upstairs layed down and cried myself to sleep.

STAGE 5 (final stage)

Im now nine months pregnant and mark has not changed at all actually it's gotten worse he now leaves the house and goes to a club or a bar then he comes home drunk and to make matters worse he comes home with a different fucking girl he does this nearly every night all I could hear is moaning and groaning hearing the girl call him daddy or just call out his name mark wasn't here at the moment no figure but he should be coming home right about now and there he was for the first without some slut on his arm nor drunk to my surprise I can actually talk to him "mark can we talk for a sec" argh what y/n" "ok one lose the tude and secondly what the fuck is your problem" "what do you mean y/n" "I mean you are basically cheating on me right in front of me" "what no I'm not y/n" "IM NOT AND FUCKING IDIOT MARK IM PREGNANT AND YOUR NOT HELPING ME YOU ARE SUCH A BITCH MARK YOU HAVE NOT BEEN THERE FOR ME MARK" as I was done saying that I felt a sting in my right cheek and fell I then I looked up at him with fear and I started to cry the he started to say "DONT EVER SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT YOU KNOW YOU WORTHLESS BITCH YOUR LUCKY YOU ARE PREGNANT I WOULD'VE DONE WAY WORSE THAN THAT" after he was done yelling he stormed out the house and left I was crying my eyes out and that's when I felt liquid forming a puddle around and then I realised that my water had broken I was going into labor mark had taken my car so I called an ambulance to come and get me I was in so much pain at this very moment soon enough I passed out a few hours I woke up in the hospital and besides me was my beautiful baby girl I don't remember what the hell happened expect me going into labor then I saw mark there crying I said his name very quietly "mark" he looked at me and immediately hugged me "I'm so so so so sorry for the things I've done and said to you please forgive me I promise for you and our daughter I'll change" I then looked at him and "I do forgive you mark" he got up and kissed me

~4yrs later~

My beautiful daughter Sophia is now four years old and amazing me and mark are still together he is still going through the same stages right now he is on stage five and he hits me in front of Sophia now, my head is telling me to leave but my heart is telling me to stay I don't know what to do and it's all be cause of his stages
Hey guys hoped you enjoyed I'm sorry if is long and I've decided to add the vanoss crew as well to the oneshots yea that's it guys byeeeee

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