second chance-IAMWILDCAT

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Of course Tyler is out with friends for the fifth week of these two months I don't know what's wrong with him he's been giving me the cold shoulder lately and I'm starting to think about leaving him but we're going to be raising a family soon when I tell him the news but i never have time to because he comes home at 6:00 am and im to tired to talk or have a screaming match with so instead i texted him saying  someone rob the house while i was gone and stole all of his recording equipment and his all of his gaming consoles and i have a feeling he might be mad that i lied but its ok cause hes going to be happy again when i tell him the news right? a few minutes later Tyler nearly broke the door down trying to open it "Y/N OH MY GOD IS ALL MY STUFF STOLEN"  "no Tyler everything is i just needed to tell you something over a nice dinner or something" "WHAT THE HELL Y/N I DROPPED EVERYTHING I WAS DOING TO GET HERE I DROVE OVER THE SPEED LIMIT AND ALMOST HIT TWO CARS I COULD'VE  DIED" "WELL IM SORRY TYLER ITS NOT MY FAULT THAT WAS THE ONLY WAY TO GET YOU HOME" " IM NEVER HOME BECAUSE OF YOU" "ME WHAT THE HELL DID I DO TO YOU" "FOR ONE YOUR ALWAYS NAGGING ME ABOUT HOW LONG I STAY OUT WITH MY FRIENDS OR HOW I DON'T HAVE ENOUGH TIME FOR DIDNT I JUST TAKE YOU TO THE MOVIES TO SEE THAT ONE MOVIE YOU'VE BEEN DYING TO SEE" "NO TYLER YOU DIDN'T HAVE YOU BEEN CHEATING ON ME PLUS ALL THE STUFF I SAY ABOUT YOU ITS TRUE YOU NEVER HELP YOUR NEVER HOME" "SO WHAT IF I AM CHEATING ON YOU I COME HOME AND BUST MY ASS TRYING TO KEEP HOUSE UP AND ALL YOUR DOING IS PULLING IT DOWN IM SORRY Y/N IF I WANT TO RELAX WITH MY FRIENDS AND DRINK ONCE IN AWHILE " "DO YOU MEAN DRINKING YOUR ASS OFF AND RELAXING 24/7 I BUST MY ASS OFF IM THE ONE WITH AN ACTUAL JOB AND BEFORE YOU SAY I MAKE YOUTUBE VIDEOS FOR A LIVING YOU DON'T YOU RECORD THE VIDEOS PAY SOMEONE TO EDIT THEM AND THEN LEAVE TO HANG OUT WITH YOUR "FRIENDS" THAT TYLER IS NOT BUSTING YOU ASS ALL DAY ITS CALLED BEING LAZY IM THE ONE WHO PROVIDES NOT YOU YOUR NOT MAN ENOUGH TO DO SO!" after i was finished yelling at him i guess he was angry about what i said about his job i saw the red fire in his eyes i had seen put his hand into a fist and raised it up at me and tried to punch me but luckily he missed me and hit the wall where there is now a hole in the wall "d-did you just try to hit me what the hell is wrong with you "maybe next time i wont miss" "you know what Tyler im tired of you abusing me for my home and everything i have i want you to pack your things and leave you moved in with me i didn't move in with you" i said choking on my tears "YOU KNOW WHAT FINE ILL LEAVE AND ILL GO WITH KELLY THE GIRL IVE BEEN CHEATING ON YOU WITH SO GOODBYE Y/N AND FUCK YOU ILL HAVE SOMEONE GET MY THINGS TOMORROW" soon after he left me there heart broken crying my eyes out soon i called mini and told him everything he quickly came over and we talked about it "i don't understand how can he do that to you y/n" "me either and to make matters worst"........ i took a deep breath and said "he was cheating on and im pregnant mini" I had looked up at mini and he had fire in his eyes "I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch" "mini don't worry about I can deal with the baby myself" later that night mini stayed that there with me to comfort me and the crazy thing is that all happened five years ago and yes I did give birth to a beautiful baby boy that I named him Jake  ill tell you he looks almost like Tyler its sad knowing that Tyler doesnt even know about  Jake last thing i heard he was actually going to marry Kelly .Me and Jake were at the park just playing around just because im a mother dosent mean i cant play at the park with him even if i get weird looks from other mothers after a while of playing me and Jake got hungry and went to IHOP to get some puncakes we got a booth and there was laughter that I recognized I got up telling Jake to come with me for a second I walked over and saw Evan,Sydney,David,Craig,and Tyler I wanted to step back and walk to our booth but I guess someone notice me already "Y/N IS THAT REALLY YOU? ITS BEEN FOREVER" Sydney said basically screaming  then Evan, David,and Craig(aka mini) looked up but the only person who didnt look up was Tyler then out the corner of my eye i saw Craig climb out of the booth and hugged me really tight after a couple of seconds he let go and whispered in my ear "i missed you so much" then there was silence until i spoke up "so guys hows it been" i said shyly "good" Evan says for everyone how have you've you been girly"sydeny said i've been better i guess ive been busy with life" i say feeling someone tugging on my shirt remembering i was still holding jakes hand "mommy who are these people" jakes says as i pick him up and introduced him "so everyone this is my son Jake Jake sweetie that's uncle Evan,auntie sydeny,uncle David,uncle Craig,and thats Tyler there friend" after i was done Jake jumped out of my arms and gave everyone a big hug and after we said our goodbyes and went back to our booth to eat i hope Tyler dosent mind me saying hello.

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