Adopted Hybrid

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Hiya Guys sorry I haven't updated in a while. I kinda forgot my password for wattpad :/ but never mind I remembered it and now iv written my password down in a notebook. anyway lets get on with the story.


Zayns POV:

One minute we were walking downstairs and the next minute we were crowding around Melody to see if she's alright.

"Oh my god! What are we going to do!?" said Harry panicking.

"Lets take her to the hospital and quick!" said Liam being the sensible one.

"Will any hospitals take hybrids?" asked Niall

"Not sure but we have to try and find out" I said

"Wait a minute I have a friend whos a doctor and works in a hospital nearby. Hang on ill phone him." Said Liam.

He flipped his phone out of his pocket and dialled a number while we all waited impatiently. Liam started talking and walked into another room. And about 2minutes later he come back smiling.

"He said its alright but lets hurry and just hope its nothing too serious" he said.

We all rushed to the car with me carrying Melody and we all climbed in.

Melodys POV:

Blackness. That's all I could see. Iv tried opening my eyes but failing each time, I can hear a beeping sound next to me and a few silent crys. I know why I feel so weak, its because its my 18th birthday in a few days and on my 18th birthday I transform into a cat. I heared the door open and someone talking. I finally gained enough energy to open my eyes just to quickly shut them again. Gosh why is light so bright? I opened my eyes again and this time sat up, the boys quickly looked up and Louis gave a very startling yell. We all jumped and I glared at him.

"MELODY!!" He yells

"Ouch" I said putting my hands over my cat ears "Im not deaf you know"

"Sorry" he mumbled

"Ill go get a doctor" said Niall and Liam went with him.

They soon came back with a doctor and the doctor smiled at me.

"Well Melody theres no major injuries just a little bruising but other wise your fine" he reassured me.

"Wait, if that's all there is then why was she in a coma ?" asked Harry and the boys nodded wanting to know the same question.

"Well as shes a hybrid and her 18th birthday is in a few days her body is getting ready for the transformation" he told them

"Transformation?" they all asked

"Yes on every hybrids 18th birthday they transform into a cat/dog or whatever hybrid they are.

I watched every single one of the boys faint. I sighed, I knew this would happen.


Hiya guys as I said im sorry I haven't updated in awhile but please





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