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I was listening to music while walking home from Starbucks when I felt my phone buzz telling me I had a text. I stopped and pulled it out of my bag and it was from...... an unknown number? I opened it and it said,

•Hey uhhh it's Niall can we talk?•

I furrowed my eyebrows. How did he get my number? I decided to ignore it and continue my journey home. I once again got another text but it was from Luke.

•Did you make it home safe? (:•

I chuckled.

•Yes ;p haha hey how about me and you meet up at Starbucks in the morning before I go to school? 6am okay?•

•Haha sounds great. See you tomorrow! love yah•

•love yah too!•

We always reply like that, don't judge. As I was about to walk in my door, I happened to notice Logan sitting on her front steps looking over at me. She saw me looking back and smiled then waved. I did the same back and walked in. I don't know why but I always having this feeling that I've seen her somewhere before. I just shrugged it off and thought about one thing and one thing only.


I went to the kitchen and opened the cabinet and got the Nutella and pretzels. My favorite snack EVER! I set down my stuff on the counter then went to the living room only to scream when I saw a figure on my sofa.

"How did you get in here!" I put my hand over my chest catching my breath. Once I realized who it was I ran upstairs to my room and slammed my bedroom door shut and locked it.

I started breathing really hard when I heard footsteps getting closer. Then I flinched when I heard a knock on my door.

"Please open the door Krissa. I'm not going to hurt you." he said. I hesitated but then slowly opened the door. There he stood in my house outside my room which I never dreamed of happening.

"What do you want Niall?" I said kinda harshly.

"I just wanted to say sorry. You know, for being mean to you and I'm really sorry for it. I didn't even want to do it, but I had to, to be friends with them. Please accept my apology!" he begged until I answered.

I sighed and shook my yes. "Okay. Okay. I believe you."

He let out a chuckle and said, "Friends?" I thought for a moment then said 'sure' and he spent the rest of the day with me and let me tell you we had fun.


We are currently on my bed watching a movie. My head was rested on his shoulder and his arm was around me playing with my hair. This just felt so right for some reason. I kept having this tingly feeling go through my body. Sounds cliche right? Well it's true and I've never felt like this around anyone before.

I turned my head and looked at Niall and just stared at his facial features. His eyes were the most beautiful color blue I've seen and his lips were slight pink. He noticed me looking at him and looked back at me. We just sat there looking in each other's eyes. He moved his eyes to my lips then back to my eyes then started to move his head forward. I did the same and soon our lips met each other's and I felt butterflies erupt in my stomach. Our lips moved in sync and I switched positions where I was straddling him.

When we pulled apart Niall smiled, as did I, and said,

"I've wanted to do that since I first saw you."

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