sucks!!!(s/t rel)

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hey this is my first ever go at writing and its proberly ot very good as im bth dispraxic and please ignore the spelling and gramar mistakes :) thanks for reading xx

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------chapter 1 

what the hell is that noise???? is the first thought that goes to my head as i wake from my dreamless slumber, but then i reaslise as i become more aware of my surrounding that it is in fact my annoying alarm clock reminding that it is the first day of my final year....year 11.

getting up out of my bed i dragmy feet...literally across my bedroom floor towards my very own walk in bathroom for a nice hot shower.....oh and while I'm at it i may as well introduce myself, my name is amber...amber Collins I'm 17 and I'm super rich :) i live in England n a big ranch where the closest neighbour is like a hour away, i know what your thinking how does a girl meet anyone living like that but i must tell you that i also go to a big fancy school called Phoenix high.   

stepping out f the shower i go to my big walk in wardrobe and look through the mountains of clothes, and i say mountain as I'm not exactly the tidiest of people i believe there is more important things to life than how tidy your room is although the maid used to try and organise my room but she soon gave up on that idea as i would mess it up again as soon as it was done. 

getting down stairs i can hear my dad on the phone...probably to one of his flings, you see in this big house lives only me and my dad as my mum passed away when i was 7 i still think about her a lot but i try not to get upset about it as i cant change what happened i just have to get on with my life as best as i can and i know she wouldn't want me to spend the rest of my life in misery

so skipping into the kitchen i walk up to my dad and jump on his back most people would say that's a weird thing to do when your 17 but me and my dad have a really good relationship 'whats up daddy?' 

'nothing much hunny, just a business call i have to sort out' 'come n dad we both know that's not true'  at that we both burst out laughing 'so which one was that Cindy, Ella or Amy???' 'none this ones name is molly and i quite like her' he stated proudly. until the next one i think to my self i suddenly hear a beeping out side and realise that its my best friend Morgan outside ready to pick me up to go to school...i know lame being a rich non-driver but my dad says i must wait until I'm over 18...which really sucks 

i run out the house and jump into the car, i love that fact it is a convertible lets me do silly things like randomly shouting at people, in all honesty most people think i have a screw loose or something im just completely bonkers but i don't care if the don't like me they know where the metaphorical door is. after a very long and boring drive we finally pull up to the grand gates of Phoenix high and i think one more year and I'm out of this hell hole i hate the stuck up snobs that goes here and i especially hate the queen-bee Samantha brook she is the ultimate bitch and her boyfriend Riley smith the schools bad boy player, seriously they deserve each other.

strutting my stuff into chool i can feel the eyes of other students on me, i can hear the drool on the guys as i walk past in my short black skirt and my bright pink tank top that shows both my legs and boobs....perfect. walking to my registration class i hear a few hellos and how was your holidays but i keep going with Morgan in tow, only slightly listening to her rambling about a new teacher we have for maths, something along the lines of hes young and wondering if hes hot...god some times i wonder why am i Friends with this girl but then i remember that shes what keeps me sane....well as sane as i can be. 

walking into the classroom i make a bee line for my seat right at the back....i don't know why i rushed coz no one and i mean no one will sit there as it has been my seat for the past four years and everyone is shit scared of me, apparently I'm called the schools bitch or something like that. the title doesn't really bother me much as it means i usually get what i want :) looking down at the desk which has seen many years of graffiti i recognise my name scrawled across it and i chuckle to my self remembering the day back in year 8 when i wrote it.

I'm drawn from my little day dream buy someone clearing their throat at the front of the class, i look up to see a guy probably 22-23 straight out of uni standing there looking straight at me with a cocky grin on his face 'looks like u got a bit of a cough there do u need a drink or something?' i say in a sassy manor r' no but i would like for you to pay attention when I'm talking' 'how about i listen when you say something interesting' from that i here a few oooh and ahhs from my class mates and i have to giggle to my self from the shocked expression on his face, i don't think hes ever been shot down before 'now miss it?' i nod ' for that ill need to see you after class for a chat' i slump back in my chair while suppressing a groan....great in trouble in the first hour of the first day, that's a new record even for me 

this is going to be one long year!!!! sucks!!!(s/t rel)Where stories live. Discover now