sucks!!!(s/t rel) part 2

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Chapter 2

by the end of the day all i wanted to do was go home and crash out on my sofa, as i was about to walk out the school doors i hears some one shout me name.....dammit i had forgotten i had to go see him, wait i don't even remember his name. coming to halt i turn around to find my registration teacher jogging down the hall to me 'i still need to speak with you amber...'    'well can you do it quick sir i really want to just get home and Morgan is waiting'    'how about you tell Morgan to go home and ill give u a ride, we really do need to discuss your behaviour in my class'     'wont it be a bit strange you giving me a lift home sir??'   'perhaps....but I'm not bothered by it....are you?' i shake my head no ' well come on then i don't have all day' he states as he turns around back to his class room all i can think is he is such a arrogant asshole. 

making my way to his classroom...slowly i may add, i get a strange feeling that I'm walking to my demise, getting to the door i straighten myself up and throw it open to announce my arrival, while hes looking down at his papers i take my chance to actually study him, and i must admit to myself that he is in fact rather attractive with his shaggy brown hair seems perfect to run your hands through i think to myself, i then continue down to notice that his white shirt clings to his chest like a second skin, n his trousers ut line his legs and his ass perfectly....not that i would ever admit this to anyone. 

he continues to go through his work and i start feeling frustrated as i know he heard me walk in there's no doubt about that so he is ignoring me on purpose.....getting annoyed i walk up to his desk and sit in the papers that he is trying to read  'do you mind miss Collins i was reading those'        'nope....not really, are you actually going to talk to me or keep ignoring me?? as i have better places to be'     'take a seat...on a chair and we will talk'   i jump off the desk noticing how my skirt flies up and his eyes latch onto my legs i sway my hips as i walk over the the nearest chair, as i sit i notice that his eyes are still on my legs, i suppose i should feel a bit creeped out that my teacher is quite obviously checking me but but secretly it makes me feel good knowing that he finds me attractive   'my eyes are up here ya know'   i purr, he clears his throat and moves his eyes slowly up my body until he reaches my eyes, he even has the cheek to wink at me when hes done the cocky bastard. 

after a while of I'm trying to tell me how important it is to have the right attitude in school he finally lets out a small chuckle which makes me turn to him n he says  ' none of this is going in is it'  i shake my head and he surprises me even more by letting out a full hearted laugh and i must say its a very good sound to hear  'i bet you don't even know my name ' he breathes between laughter and at this i look down at the desk and brush my hair in my face to hide my growing blush.  'i thought as name is Micheal low, or Mr low to you' he grins    ' i think i prefer Micheal or mike ' i state with a little wink, after that we spend time talking about random thing such as family friends favourite thing to do its not until i look up at the clock as gasp ' shit!!!'   'what is it??'   'well Mr low we have been sitting here for ages and my dad expected me home like an hour ago'   'ooh fuck'  he shouts as he sprints out of the class room with me hot on his heels.

walking out into the car pack i start looking around and the only car i spot is a brand new Audi r8...that cant possibly be his...can it?? i think to myself apparently i was wrong because he walked up to it and opened the passenger door only to look back and see me standing there with my mouth wide open in shock. he chuckles at me and says  'are you getting in or are you gonna walk all the way home??'   i shake my head and jog over to the car and plonk my self into the soft leather seat, and is it strange that as i did i took a big deep breath, breathing in the smell of the car, what is not every day i get to sit in a car as awesome as this. 

on the drive home the sound of the script fills up the car....i obnoxiously sing along at the top of my voice not giving a damn if I'm crap or not....after a while when mike has stooped laughing at me he decides to join in with me, and i gotta say his voice is amazing he could give Danny a run for his money...and i have never said that before. when the song finishes we both stop and look at each other and burst out laughing...and i cant help but to think that i was having a lot of fun and that i am getting disappointed that the ride will be coming to an end as i notice my house in the distance. 

pulling up outside my house mike lets out a low whistle which causes me to look over to him questioningly  ' live here??'   'yuppp' i say popping the p,  shaking his head he steps out the car and walks round to open my door...what a gentleman  as i get out we stand there for a minute not knowing what to do or say so after a few moments i say and awkward goodbye and run up to my house glancing over my shoulder to notice him still standing there.

shrugging my shoulders i go in and run up to my room and drop onto my bed and think what a fucked up strange day it has been.  but strangely enough i was feeling quite excited to go to school the next day just to see Mr low :) and with that thought i slowly drift off the sleep. 


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