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*Time skip*

You look out the window seeing that it was raining really hard. Your eyes got droopy as the soothing sound of the rain comforted you a bit. Calvin was beside you laying his head on your shoulder. He must've been very tired. You laid your head back closing your eyes wanting to just take a nap for a few minutes...

*Time Skip*
An Hour Later

Wow! I thought you was taking a nap? You're awake now so whatever. You look over your shoulder still seeing Calvin laying his head on your shoulder. He looked adorable as hell when he sleeps. You look out the window seeing water standing.. Your eyes widened as you was a little bit shocked of how high the water have gotten.

"Calvin!" You exclaim waking him up

Calvin opens his eyes saying, "What's up?"

"Look!" You pointed out the window

"Damn, all that water! I didn't even get a chance to get groceries." Calvin said as he started fake crying

"Don't start that crying BS." You say trying to sound serious 

Calvin stops...then cracks a smile. He was too adorable to be taken seriously.

"What are we going to eat then?"

"Don't worry, I have food. I just don't have that much." Calvin frowned 

"That's alright. At least you have some."

"Thanks for understanding Y/N."

"No problem."

"Wanna have some coffee?" Calvin giggled 


I got up following behind Calvin to the kitchen. He turned on the light having two mugs ready.

"Dang, you already have the mugs ready." You chuckle 

"Yeah." Calvin said as he poured coffee into my mug

"Thanks faggot." You smile sipping on your coffee

"You're welcome cutie." He smiles back pouring coffee into his mug 

Calvin sat across from me at the table we was sitting at. This coffee tasted good, but it even tasted better just knowing that Calvin made it for you. The lights dimmed low, soothing music started playing. You looked around checking your surroundings to make sure you were at Calvin's residence.

"Where's Calvin?" You ask as you started blushing

"Right here baby girl." Calvin said with a huge smile appearing on his face 

"Mm, I was wondering because you're acting pretty strange right now." You laugh 

"I'm just doing this for you Y/N you're my princess."

A princess? Calvin just called you a princess. You didn't know what to say, because you didn't want to sound to excited. Your bae, your baby boy, everything called you a princess. None of your exes called you that before so it really got to you. Okay you need to get your thoughts together so your mouth won't be saying any dumb shit. You couldn't help blushing, you felt warm inside. Calvin kissed the palm of your hand. Your eyes were locked to his, you could look at him all day if you wanted to. You get your cup of coffee sipping more of it, still locking eyes with Calvin. Calvin hugged you tightly saying, "I would be dead, without you."

"I'm glad I was able to help." A smile formed on your face

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" Calvin exclaimed giving me wet kisses on my face like a dog

"Your welcome fag. I always bring in positive vibes." You smile 

"That's really good." Calvin chuckle sipping on the last bit of his coffee

"This was like a date."

"Well...it was. I didn't really know how our first date could be but, I thought it would be nice just to have a cup of coffee with my everything."

You wanted Calvin to keep on talking because his words was getting to you. Ever since you came in his life, he seems so happier recently. You want to keep it that way too...

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