most popular Ouran ships?

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{Wattpad has been acting really faulty lately so i had to republish this! Please leave comments so i dont look like an idiot that i am thanks}
Well, welcome to the top five most popular ships in Ouran!
Now there are many, many ships from Hikaharu to Kyokao {ayyy} and this fandom has also very interesting fan fictions and fan art.
I mean, out of all of the fandoms I am in, {besides the phandom} this fandom has a very big range of fan stuff. What I mean, is we have incest, we have hella dark fanfic, very cute fanfic, and we have alternate universes. Same with the fanart.
I actually like that there is a huge range because you can find things you like.
Okay I'm getting off topic but I just wanted to say that.
Anyways, I have seen loads of fan fiction, alternate universes, one shots, fanart with these ships.
So here are the top 5 ships in Ouran.
{Before you read: these are based off what I see, and when I speak to people, these are what they say. I may be wrong}
{And I said I'm on a break, I still am, I just had an urge to write this. Thr break will end once I start publishing other stories again, and once I feel better about things.}
Soooo lets go!

#5---Honey and Mori
Now, I am not the biggest fan of this. They are cousins and I just don't really like it. It's just a ship I'm not in favor of.
But I have seen plenty of fanart for it {also graphic ones}, a few oneshots, a few fanfics and I have seen many people saying "Squeee Honey and Mori are so cuteeee together!"
And I don't mean cute as in friendship goals.
{Also what is their ship name? Hori? Money? Takamitsu? Mitsukashi?}

{Hikaru and Kaoru} Haha, not a fan of this. Not really. They are identical twins and I know they are have the brotherly love act and such, but in the manga, in the beginning of them becoming more different from each other, they want to stop the act, and be different from each other.
But, the fans of Ouran like it, from very graphic fanart and fanfic to just tiny cute moment like oneshots, HikaKao came in fourth.
Some people also don't like it for the same or different reasons as me. I have seen mixed reviews.

{Tamaki and Kyoya} Okay I'm kinda a fan of this, holy crap. I used to be like ehhhh but I saw reasons why its a ship. And I think its a great ship. {If HikaHaru happened, then TamaKyo should have happened too, because seriously}
Sooo we know how Kyoya and Tamaki met, and how Tamaki gave Kyoya a fUcking massage. And like, the cute moments that just happen. Hello?? {But then Kyokao takes over at one point}
ANYWAYS enough of my opinion.
I have seen nice fanfiction, and some hella nice art {theres this one fanart that really drew me in, whoops} and the one shots are just nice.

{Haruhi and Hikaru} ehhhh. Hikaru and Haruhi is something that could have potentially happened. Hikaru was in love with Haruhi but you know, shit happens. People loved this ship so much and there is so many accounts dedicated to it, shitload of fanart and such.

{Tamaki and Haruhi} While the fic and everything can be nothing like the characters, this canon ship is most peoples favorite. {We have the salty HikaHaru shippers here and there}

Runner ups:

Haruhi and Kaoru--- eh. Kaoru is a fucking sweetheart and gave up Haruhi for Hikaru but it Isn't my favorite. 

Haruhi and Mori--- it is rumored that this was Bisco Hatori's original plan, and in the earlier chapters there is some moments, whether it was happening or not

Haruhi and Kyoya---eh. Both smart and whatever.

Kyoya and Kaoru--- okay like six people ship this but its fUcking cute, okay?

Leave comments and votes or whatever.
Also tag me in some fanart whether i like the ship or not because i like art.

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